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You have got to pick this book up

Wow, what an awesome read. I could not put this book down. I'm not kidding from the first sentence to the very last, you will be on the edge of your seat reading this suspense filled book. It only took me a day and a half , and that was only because I had to sleep, LOL! Seriously don't pass this awesome read up, you'll be glad you picked it up. I highly recommend this book to all you thriller and suspense readers, or newbies to this genre. Great work Brian!!
JKJ94 | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 27, 2023 |
Killing Katie: A Deadly Vigilante Crime Thriller by Brian Spangler

And original story, moves at a steady pace, with attention to detail. Told from the first person person perspective. Amy is a modern vigilante wanting to rid the world of the bad. With a police detective husband, that is a not an easy task. Overall I found Killing Katie an enjoyable read.
SheriAWilkinson | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 12, 2018 |
Killing Katie (An Affair With Murder #1) by Brian Spangler is a good but but certainly different, which is good! I can't say I have ever read a book from this point, and it was very intriguing. Worth the read, good book!
MontzaleeW | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 14, 2017 |
This was not my kind of book. I don't necessarily like books to be rooted in reality but this one was just too unbelievable. Katie was not a very likeable character and her husband was basically a background figure whom we didn't get to know very well. The way they constantly called each other "babe" also annoyed me after a while. However, it is a book that will be enjoyed by others. We don't all enjoy the same things.
scot2 | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 3, 2017 |
Wow. An intense novel. Little Jonnie likes Superman so his Mom, Sara gives him a blue blanket to be his cape. His older brother kids him about it because the real cape is suppose to be red. Chris, their dad, tells them it's time for a DQ ice cream and off they go. While waiting for their order a man comes up behind them with a gun and demands money from Eileen, the boys babysitter, working the register. She gives him all she has but the man demands more or he will kill her. Chris steps up to try to calm the guy and gets shot instead. The boys try to get the bleeding to stop. Jonnie takes his cape off to save his father but it didn't work. They watch him die. In the meantime there is Jacob who has this special gift that lets him know what people want, let's him know what the weather is going to do (which helps his job as a weather forecaster), let's him know how to win bets in the office. Suddenly he is having strange images and speaking things out loud that he has no control over, such as saying out of the blue, "Superman's Cape" while drinking at the bar with friends from work. You've got to read the book to find out how things work out.
libraryclerk | Dec 24, 2016 |
Going Gray and it's storyline completely captivated me. I was literally on the edge of my seat during the first chapter; I found it totally gripping and enthralling. Dystopian fiction is truly the new intrigue. The ending has a twist that I did not see that coming...and of course, that raises all sorts of questions for a sequel!

Is it chemical controlled by machines gone mad? Regardless, it's a pretty frightening concept. And not so totally off the mark, either. Stephen King's The Stand is one of the first, foremost of all dystopian thrillers. Going Gray reminded me of that. The whole concept of mankind mucking up nature and humanity...and how the survivors adapt and pick up the pieces because they have no choice but to do so. Going Gray is worth the read, and leaves you wondering "what if"?
Dmtcer | May 4, 2016 |
In A Painful Truth B.A. Spangler provides a spectacular follow-up to book one of the An Affair With Murder series, Killing Katie. While this can be read as a standalone I would suggest reading Killing Katie first so you will have a better appreciation for the characters and what has made them into who they are.

The tension in this volume is palpable and creates a strong sense of apprehension at the same time that you rush headlong into the next situation. While the idea of being a murderer-for-hire might seem like a bad career choice, it is hard to find the protagonist anything but likable. You will become invested in all of the characters and in their well-being.

Highly recommended for mystery lovers and for those who like to read a series and become "friends" with the characters. Definitely a book (and series) I will share with friends and family.

Reviewed from a copy made available by the author in exchange for an honest review.
pomo58 | Apr 12, 2016 |
I was glued to this book! Emily wakes one morning to her parents urging her out of bed and out of the house to safety. The story moves at a good pace and keeps you on the edge of your seat. I want more! From the end of the last chapter to the epilogue...what happened in between? I've already downloaded the next book. Gray Skies
Kimmyd76 | Nov 4, 2015 |
Nice mixture of short sci-fi stories. After each story there is a short essay by the author. Definitely recommend if you like this type of literature.
vanjr | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 4, 2015 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Member Giveaways geschrieben.
Killing Katie (ebook)
By: B.A. Spangler
Published By: Kindle Press
Copy Courtesy of Librarything Member Giveaway
Reviewed By: tk

In this intense thriller you will meet a wonderful mother of two, and beautiful wife named Amy Sholes. She loves her family and her life, but something is missing. Through the years Amy has fantasized about killing her best friend. She has made all the intricate details to compliment her wanting to commit murder. She would never carry out the dirty deed, after all its her best friend. So if she won’t kill her best friend…who would she kill to finally fulfill her hearts desire. Did I mention her husband is a police officer?

A spectacular jaw dropping novel. I had many moments that a plot twist would throw me in another direction and leave me in awe of this imaginative author. Brian Spangler weaves a tale that is easy to follow and yet adds so many interesting surprises along the way you wonder how could one person possible bring so many variables in one story.

I agree with the age restrictions of 14 years old and up. This is a thriller in every sense.
A great addition to any library.

doseofbella | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 6, 2015 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Member Giveaways geschrieben.
In Killing Katie Brian Spangler has started what may well be the next great series. The protagonist is presented with all of her flaws as well as her strengths, though it may sometimes be difficult to know whether something is a flaw or a strength, or perhaps both.

The twists are unexpected for the most part with only a few minor ones being potentially expected. I did feel the story started a little slow but I also think it was necessary to set up the premise, especially being the first book in (I hope) a long series.

The idea of pulling for a murderer is just foreign enough to make reading the story a partially guilty pleasure. I think, though, by the end of the book we understand better how she came to be who she is and thus find it easier to pull for her.

I would highly recommend this to anyone who likes character driven mysteries or thrillers. For those who like a wide range of genres I think this book will also be appealing. Quick, read this book so you can be ready for book 2!

Reviewed from a copy made available via LibraryThing.
pomo58 | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 12, 2015 |
I received this from Library Thing to read and review. This is a pretty interesting collection of twelve stories crossing a variety of genres. Most are pretty good and could easily lead to other longer or follow-on stories or even books. I like the way the authors provided additional information for each story, adding context or thoughts on writing. For me, this lent even more to the stories because I could more easily understand the true meaning behind them or what the author meant (sometimes you, as a reader, will wonder after reading a book or story, and this gave me some details). Reading a short story is easy and takes less time than most books, and this one can provide the reader with a multitude of short interludes during (and after) which to savor the story, the characters, the ending. I think anyone who enjoys reading about a myriad of things and who is not tied to reading just one genre will enjoy this. In addition, this sampler provides an excellent opportunity to become familiar with new or different authors and genres.
KMT01 | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 11, 2014 |
Very interesting book. I read this book due to the fact that Susan May had a hand in creating it. I was not disappointed. While I am an avid reader, I also enjoy good television as well, this book reminded me of the twilight zone TV series. It was hit and miss on some of the stories but for the most part , I must commend the authors on a job very well done.
nubian_princesa | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 3, 2014 |
I was expecting a light fluffy read, and was pleasantly surprised; this is a really well written book and an excellent read. The characters are likeable and developed well. Coffe and Tears is really about the lives of people who have suffered challenges in life (like everyone does), and who are estranged in one way or another from family. The book tells the tale of how they come together to form a family of their own, revolving around a small diner in a large city.
Dmtcer | 1 weitere Rezension | Jun 3, 2014 |
I was expecting a light fluffy read, and was pleasantly surprised; this is a really well written book and an excellent read. The characters are likeable and developed well. Coffe and Tears is really about the lives of people who have suffered challenges in life (like everyone does), and who are estranged in one way or another from family. The book tells the tale of how they come together to form a family of their own, revolving around a small diner in a large city.
Dmtcer | 1 weitere Rezension | Jun 3, 2014 |
THIS BOOK WILL BE RELEASE ON FEBRUARY 1, 2014. This book is a collection of short stories of science fiction, horror and fantasy from some of the top Indie writers writing at the moment. It includes stories from best selling author HUGH HOWEY, Anne Frasier, Kate Danley, Ernie Lindsey and Jason Gurley to name a few, including little old me, Susan May, who came up with the idea of all of us getting together.

Its been edited by David Gatewood who has edited some of the books currently in the top 10 science fiction category on Amazon as of January 2014. He is also HUGH HOWEY's editor.

Most anthologies have a few great stories and a few good ones and the rest are fillers. This one is different. Every one of these stories is fantastic and they all have great twists at the end. None of those stories where nothing happens at the end.
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SusanMayWriter | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 17, 2014 |
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