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This is a must read for everyone! Love this book!
XoVictoryXo | 5 weitere Rezensionen | May 31, 2016 |
I have always been fascinated by Edgar Cayce. I think he just defies explanation. There are those out there that call him a fraud but I don't see how he could have faked his way through the medical descriptions. This book was somewhat of a disappointment. It skips around on a number of topics and gets into areas like past lives and Atlantis that I found wanting. The book was written in the late 1960's and speculates on near term disasters especially global geophysical eruptions he predicted for this time. They did not materialize along with the failure of the appearance of Atlantis which he predicted. So in the prediction realm he did come up short on a number of things. Yet his medical diagnosis of which he put in considerable work he often did seem to be on the mark. Equally amazing was his remedies which were often off the wall but apparently effective. Cayce always mystifies me and always will he was truly a seer.
knightlight777 | 5 weitere Rezensionen | May 3, 2016 |
I read this book back in the 70s and still do some of the exercises. I like the way Stearn presents various points of view regarding reincarnation. I think most people who have done yoga for any length of time will agree with Stearn [that these exercises do help a person feel better/younger]. Back in the 70s, yoga was a hippie-dippie thing, but [of course] now it's almost mainstream.
dbsovereign | 1 weitere Rezension | Jan 26, 2016 |
Interesting biography of a man who thought he could tell us what was going to happen in the future. Regardless of whether Cayce had this talent or not, Stearn makes us respect the man for who he was and what he accomplished.
dbsovereign | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 26, 2016 |
Edgar was by far the the most gifted man in modern times, i've never read anything about him that didn't add to his story.
C-Sharp | Aug 10, 2015 |
This book recounts author Taylor Caldwell's hypnotic regression sessions and the resulting evidence of reincarnation. The "experiences" revealed in her prior lives have found their way into themes, situations, and characters sprinkled throughout her many books. One recurring theme, the age-old battle between Good and Evil, that appears as foundation for many (if not all) of her books is further revealed by her recurring incarnations. Fascinating...
jvnoland | Sep 28, 2014 |
Jess Stearn was an experienced reporter and man of the world who viewed an invitation to a three-month study session of Hatha Yoga with extreme scepticism. But the experience transformed Stearn into a true believer. This book explains how this change came about and commends yoga as a remedy for tension, weight control, sexuality and various other conditions.
Saraswati_Library | 1 weitere Rezension | Sep 26, 2014 |
A circa 1960s examination of the sweeping generalizations about gay men. The chapter on the New York Mattachine, does capture the conformist spirit of the organization.
MichaelC.Oliveira | Jan 12, 2013 |
Edgar Cayce (1877-1945), a Hopkinsville, Kentucky farmer boy, later to be affectionately known as `The Sleeping Prophet', and `America's Most Mysterious Man' gave over fourteen thousand `readings' in his lifetime. They were documented as stenographic records. They are telepathic-clairvoyant statements he had made for some eight thousand+ people over a course of forty-five years. They are well-preserved in paper-files at the Edgar Cayce Foundation/ Association for Research and Enlightenment in Virginia Beach, Virginia. It is an impressive library.

The readings shed light into the science of past lives and rebirths, world events, and historical and geographical theories leading to archeological discoveries. The two sons of Cayce have done their share of work along with many other individuals who have devoted much time researching the contents of the readings. The result is a host of books and video programs of phenomenal caliber. There is also a University thesis on Edgar Cayce's life and work.

In this book, the younger son of Cayce, Edgar Evans analyzes Atlantis-related statements. It is based on the readings given for over 700 people who had one or more incarnations in Atlantis, `the lost continent'. Their current lives were influenced by their past lives.

Atlantis was destroyed by its inhabitants many thousand years ago. They were disrespectful to the environment and ill-treated the land to the point of destruction, just like the present-day human is abusing the environment. It is up to the modern human being to reverse the damage already made, or the world will be destroyed again. Cayce suggests that applying specific principles and assuming certain attitudes to life are the remedial measures.

For the skeptics and non-believers who do not believe in Atlantis or rebirth, the prophet makes no effort to convince anyone. In fact, he states in a reading that we are not `of one mind' and even the most compelling proofs will not convince all.

The author has done an incredibly thorough job on Atlantis at different times between 50000+ years ago to the final destruction 12000(?) years ago. He quotes many crucial readings with explanations and interpretations. Each quote is presented with the date it was stated and its number. He also provides a helpful list of References at the end of the book.

The mind-boggling mystery question still remains: How did the rural farmer boy from a financially poor family, with minimum `modern' education, become such an insightful prophet? One has to look through the readings to see how detailed and graphic his descriptions are, for example, the ancient villages and the roads that lead to them.

He must have brought the gift from his past lives.
uma1 | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 17, 2012 |
De entre las ruinas de la Biblioteca de Alejandría, Iberías, un monje egipcio cristiano, recupera un manuscrito milagrosamente salvado de las llamas. Escondido bajo su túnica, se lo lleva al Valle de los Reyes para leerlo lejos de miradas indiscretas. Su sorpresa no podría ser mayor: escrito en un griego muy culto, el manuscrito es el diario de Judas Iscariote. En su lectura, Iberías descubre que Judas era hijo de una familia judía y farisea, y no el pobre ladrón que todos creían que era. La pobreza de Judas era en realidad voluntaria. Según el manuscrito, se había desprendido de todas sus riquezas para seguir al Mesías. Pero ésta no es más que la primera sorpresa que Iberías se lleva con esta lectura que le revelará a un Judas bajo un punto de vista mucho más humano.
kika66 | Nov 19, 2010 |
This book contains excellent charts that facilitate drawing up a natal chart. Unfortunately, the last date covered is 1975, so it's pretty much out of date now. Nonetheless, the most useful astrology book I have owned.
debherter | Jan 21, 2009 |
* Inherited from Mum's shelves.
velvetink | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 31, 2013 |
louvel | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 4, 2009 |
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