
Werke von Charles Steedman



Gebräuchlichste Namensform
Steedman, Charles
Rechtmäßiger Name
Steedman, Charles
Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Virginia, USA
Mount Auburn Cemetery, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Admiral, Unites States Navy
New York Times, 14 November 1890

Rear Admiral Charles Steedman, United States Navy, (retired,) died at his home in Washington last evening in the eightieth year of his age. His death was due to a general breaking down from old age and a complication of diseases.

Rear Admiral Steedman was born in the parish of St. James, Santee, S. C. He was appointed a Midshipman in the navy April 1, 1828, and served his first duty at the navy yard, New York. After several years' service in the West Indies he was promoted to Passed Midshipman, and served in the Mediterranean on the Constitution and the United States. From 1838 to 1840, being then an Acting Lieutenant, he was on board the Macedonian in the West Indies. Upon his promotion Lieut. Steedman was ordered to the home station, where he served on the Dolphin and in the corps of the Coast Survey. In 1845-7, while attached to the St. Mary's, Lieut. Steedman commanded the eight-inch gun battery at the bombardment of Vera Cruz, and did other distinguished service against the enemy at Tampico.

After the war he served successively at the Naval Observatory and on the frigate Cumberland in the Mediterranean. He was commisioned Commander in 1855, and commanded the brig Dolphin on the Paraguay expedition of 1859-60. He was left in command of the Brazil station while on this cruise, and remained there nine months.

At the outbreak of the civil war Commander Steedman volunteered for any service, and was sent to take command of the Baltimore Railroad Company's steamboat Maryland. From that point he kept communications open between Baltimore and Philadelphia. In the following year, he was ordered o join Commodore Foote on the Mississippi, but he was soon detached and ordered to join the Port Royal expedition. Here he did conspicuous service in leading the second column to the attack and capture. His subsequent operations during the early years oof the war were confined to the coast south of Savannah, the attack on Fort McAllister, in the Ogeechee River, and the capture of the forts on St. John's Bluff.

Having been commissioned Captain in September, 1862, Steedman was transferred to the Powhattan, in which vessel he first blockaded Charleston, and then towed the captured ram Atlanta to Philadelphia. After an unsuccessful search for the Confederate vessel Florida, Capt. Steedman joined Admiral Porter's command and participated in the operations at the mouth of the Wilmington River, December, 1864. Throughout the last years of the war her was attached to the commands of Admiral Dahlgren and Admiral Goldsborough. From 1869 to 1872 he commanded the Boston Navy Yard, and while serving in this capacity he was commissioned as a Rear Admiral. His last active duty was the command of the South Pacific squadron from October 1872, to September, 1873, when he was placed on the retired list. His total sea service amounted to twenty-four years and one month.

The funeral services will be held at St. John's Church, Washington, Monday at noon. The remains will be taken to Boston for internment in Mount Auburn Cemetery.


