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Werke von L.J. Stock

Zugehörige Werke

Break the Cycle: An Anti-Bullying Anthology (2016) — Mitwirkender — 2 Exemplare



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4.6 stars

Fabulous book. This is a first time reading anything from these authors and they blew my mind. It was gritty and real and what I imagine a real MC was like

I loved the slow build in the relationship with the characters and the many secondary characters. My only complaint was how it ended. There was still so much unsettled in their story unless the next story is a continuation.
MagicalRi | Apr 15, 2019 |
4.8 stars

Sweet holy titfire. Where the he'll did this writing duo come from? More importantly, why doesn't everyone know about them?

This book was intense. It was riveting, suspenseful, and filled with turmoil. However, it was so much more. It was building on the foundation from the first book and delved deeper into the psyche of the characters and what motivates them. It showed how love chooses who it wants and how it wants it.. Even if it's not a safe choice.

Love all the characters and looking forward to the future of this club.
… (mehr)
MagicalRi | Apr 15, 2019 |
4.9 stars

I need more. Seriously, I need more. It cannot end this way. I'm sitting here with my mouth agape wondering what the hell. It cannot end this way. Even though I already said it I need more. So many characters I need to know about. Sloane, Sutton, Kenny, Tate, Slater.and let me not forget the main two of Eric. I need to know what's going on in the future. I need answers and babies.

I loved Drew and Ayda in this book even more than the others. I loved their connection and their conversations. There was a sweetness and vulnerability there that hadn't fully been developed in the first two books. I hope to God there are more books about this club. I need to go stalk these authors now because I've fallen down the rabbit hole and need more words. I hope everyone reads this series. I've read THREE books in a day. When I had so many other things to do.… (mehr)
MagicalRi | Apr 15, 2019 |
5 Stars Without Consequence

(Received an ARC in exchange of an honest review)

It was a fantastic read. Loved Drew Tucker !! I can't believe two people can write such a great book together. The book was very well written. The characters were very well plotted.

Drew Tucker was a strong character. A bit confuse and complex, freed from prison after five years. He is loving, caring & he has some real dark secrets & regrets shadowing him.

"I was a mystery to the town of Babylon. An enigma. Someone they'd heard stories of but couldn't believe them to be anywhere close to the truth. Everybody wanted to be the one to crack me wide open and expose the real me-whoever that was at the time. Only I'd never wanted to go there with anyone else up until now."

He meets Ayda, 25-year-old, mature, hard working, responsible & sole-guardian of her 15-year-old brother.
"I was tired. At twenty-five I was exhausted and bone-weary"

She is sassy, loving & mouthy which makes her main focus of Drew Tucker. The author created an incredible story and chemistry among the characters. Drew goes out of his way and falls for this lady while Ayda accepts Drew with all his misery and regrets.

"I had something else to look forward to besides death and darkness when I woke up each morning. I had a little bit of light in a world, which carried so much darkness."

This was a different MC book with a great combination of action, angst, love, joy and loyalty. An absolute page-turner. The emotions were very heart touching, beautifully written. I really enjoyed it.
Recommended to Everyone.

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MadihaJ | Jul 27, 2015 |

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