
V. R. StoneRezensionen

Autor von Psycho Analysis

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This novel was given to me as an advanced copy from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Any book that talks even vaguely about psychology will peak my interest. This is a fact. I've always loved psychology, and I even took it as my major in university, so this should come as no real surprise to anyone. However, that wasn't the only thing that intrigued me about this novel. I found its premise to be something completely unique - and that's saying a lot for the thriller genre.
I found this novel to be gripping and with a completely unique storyline. The idea of having a female serial killer is quite unique; I haven't come across anything like it before! I really enjoyed the way each character was portrayed, and how there was not a single character you could truly trust; I like flaws in my characters, and boy are some of these ones flawed! I wish that there had been a little bit more to the ending, just to tie up a few loose ends that were left hanging as the story progressed. But overall, this is a great debut novel and I am excited to read more by this author in the future! If you are looking for a new psychological thriller that is unlike the usual books in this genre, then this is the novel to check out!
veeshee | Jan 29, 2018 |
With PsychoAnalysis, V.R. Stone gives us the rare female serial killer. This deviation from the norm makes for a compelling read.

Sarah is a unique, fascinating character. She's an intelligent, wealthy, strong, independent, and charming psychopath. We know from the start that she's a serial killer. The mystery is in learning why she hunts men, and whether she'll stop, get caught, or continue on undetected.

Martin White is the detective on her trail, uncovering the fragments of her life even as he doesn't have a clue who he's chasing. His character is a bit on the stereotypical side - the broken cop who turns to alcohol and drugs - but he also has a great backstory that makes him stand out.

The plot unravels at a quick pace, letting us get to know the characters as their lives intertwine.

V.R. Stone's writing keeps us right in the moment. This is all show and no tell. We are with the characters, watching their actions and feeling their emotions.

My quibbles are relatively small. For one, I thought the author threw in a few too many unnecessary POV characters. We have the three main players - Sarah, Martin, and Karl - but we also have POVs from random victims prior to their murders, and then later in the book Martin's partner and their boss have POV parts.

I also thought a couple of the twists with characters' personalities were a little over-the-top. Not everyone should have major secrets. And, finally, it was a stretch for me to believe the detective would be quite as gullible as he became toward the end.

Despite my quibbles, this book definitely kept me reading. If you're looking for a different spin on the traditional serial killer novel, I recommend giving this one a try.

*I was provided with an ebook copy by the publisher, via NetGalley, in exchange for my honest review.*
Darcia | 1 weitere Rezension | Oct 27, 2016 |
A female serial killer decides to undergo psychoanalysis to see if she can be 'cured' from hunting young men? How could I not read that?
Sarah's public persona is the professional, confident, intelligent woman who has made a fortune as a hedge fund manager. To some, she may appear a bit aloof. She doesn't see much of her mother, but Sarah ensures her mother is not left wanting financially.
Privately, Sarah has urges that can only be calmed by the excitement of a hunt. Quite literally. Young, but otherwise pretty forgettable men are her preferred prey.
In an attempt to see if she can overcome her weakness, Sarah starts to see Dr. Karl Gross for psychoanalysis. Karl has become quite famous by publishing books about some of his celebrity clients' addictions and therapy. He also has a few skeletons in the cupboard/closet.
So does Martin White. His marriage is falling apart and in his job as a detective he has been working on cold cases. But then DCS Terrence Cook brings him in on a secretive operation investigating the disappearance of young men. Martin is partnered with detective Phil Burton, who has a real knack for playing poker and believes being able to spot bluffs will make him good at detective work.

Split into days, the story is told over a period of six weeks switching between the perspectives of Sarah, Karl, and Martin. All three are deeply flawed characters, but all of them show traits that make them highly interesting and intriguing characters. So this isn't a whodunit but a why and how and will-she-get-away-with-it story.
It is the author's debut novel and I was thoroughly impressed how well the plot was put together and how well it was written. V.R. Stone managed to pull me into the story from page one and I just wanted to keep reading. Set enough time aside before you start this one! I loved the psychology angle, loved the way the author build up the tension and dropped all the little surprises along the way. This is obviously dark with some violence, but not overly gory, although I could have done without the dog scene. The real focus and the strength of this novel are the utterly fascinating characters. Great psychological thriller.
BTW, I loved the title, the cover, and the choice of names. Wicked sense of humor, Mr. Stone.
I'm excited to see what V.R. Stone has in store for us next. I received an ARC via NetGalley.
Pet12 | 1 weitere Rezension | Oct 19, 2016 |
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