
Carol StormRezensionen

Autor von Hialeah Heat

6 Werke 8 Mitglieder 1 Rezension


This was a decent little story. The premise was very interesting. Stern Japanese businessman and flighty Australian girl in a discipline situation. It turned out though that all spankings were for erotic purposes which is not bad in and of itself. It's just that the description of the story and indeed the early scenes led the reader to assume the girl would get in trouble and the stern man would have to administer a bit of correction. Sadly that didn't happen. To me the story felt a little rushed. Perhaps a few more pages to allow their relationship to develop a bit more? I enjoyed the glimpses of Japan and the book felt fairly firmly placed there. It could have used a bit more showing and a bit less telling in its writing style.
Luziadovalongo | Jul 14, 2022 |