15+ Werke 246 Mitglieder 6 Rezensionen


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A pesar de no ser muy amigo de los libros de arte, no puedo dejar de recomendar este más que merecido homenaje a la obra de Alberto Durero, como le decimos por estas tierras. Destaco la calidad de las reproducciones, mucho mejor que la de cualquier imagen que se pueda encontrar en internet (sobre todo para grabados consideradas "menores"); así como las breves descripciones de cada pieza, que aportan detalles que podrían pasar desapercibidos al ojo poco atento.
little_raven | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 1, 2020 |
Excellent reproductions of great artworks. The text is mainly an uninteresting distraction, summarising the views of a few Durer commentators of the previous 100 years or so. Though they were no doubt eminent scholars, in snippet form their comments strongly resemble modern 'internet opinion' in style and content. Occasionally the text provides interesting background information about the better works.

Look at the pictures, ignore most of the words.
PhileasHannay | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 5, 2011 |
REENACTORS NOTES: A wonderful visual reference for Early Modern Germany. The later period woodcuts may not have the same artistic impact that early woodcuts had (my opinion), but they are still beatiful.½
hsifeng | Mar 27, 2008 |
105 Durer plates, plus a few formerly thought to be his but since prooved otherwise. Plates include concise descriptions.
ajvbooks | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 2, 2008 |
Good condition minor damage to corners of cover
katethomas56 | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 21, 2021 |
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