1 Werk 43 Mitglieder 1 Rezension


Review from Google Books:
"First published in 1990, and reprinted steadily ever since, the first edition of the Collins Maori phrase book and dictionary was an inaugural Silver Premier New Zealand Bestseller, and has sold over 30,000 copies. The revised edition includes an update of the original book to incorporate modern terms and useage, as well as providing a comprehensive and authoritative range of simple phrases for use in a variety of social and formal occasions. Many New Zealanders have a smattering of Te Reo, but are shy of using it in case they make embarrassing errors or because they are afraid that their limited vocabulary is insufficient. This book is the perfect stepping stone to greater confidence, with a useful pronunciation guide and helpful information about dialectal and regional differences. With an increasing interest in the Maori language, and the advent of Maori television, many more people are learning and speaking Maori, and this book is an ideal resource for those with some knowledge who are looking to gain increased fluency and confidence."--Publisher's website.
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COREEducation | Jun 14, 2015 |