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I received a free copy of this novel in exchange for my honest review.

Raven is the first ever female grim reaper. Unlike the male version, she wears a skin fitted black leather uniform and has black wings. Suddenly, many years later, there's a new female reaper in purgatory, her name is Holli. She's the polar opposite of Raven, with long platinum blonde hair, white uniform and white wings. Death's excuse is that she's there to assist Raven with the sudden influx of phenoms. This makes Raven suspicious, and with the help of her best friend Garrett they begin to unravel a huge mystery. Will Raven ever get over her jealousy of Holli? Will Garrett and Raven uncover Death's sinister plot before it's too late?

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Raven is a strong female character that I absolutely loved. She had so much love and compassion for humanity that you immediately connect with her. I thought that the relationship between Raven and Garrett was awesome and I could easily see why Raven cared about him so much. This was a great edge of your seat fantasy novel, I'm hoping there will be a book two, if there is, I can't wait!
sunshine9573 | Dec 19, 2022 |
Fairy Tale confessions is amazing!! Each story is short, but incredibly well written. Its amazing how much you can fall in love with the characters in such a short time. My favorites were Blayze and Ash by Jessica Sorensen and Caged by LP Dover. Both stories are so engaging you won't want them to end. You get sucked in so deep! Seriously, get this book! Fairy Tale Confessions is perfect if you love romance, fairy tales, magic, mystery, and/or evil villains! There isn't a bad story in the bunch!
thebookdisciple | 1 weitere Rezension | Oct 9, 2018 |
I have read a lot of the history of the Salem Witch Trials, and I love fictional books with those aspects and themes. So I was excited for this book because it's been a while since I've read a good witchy story. Unfortunately this book fell extremely flat for me and I almost DNF'd it several times.

I was unable to connect to any single character, or the group of them as a whole. They were all very one-dimensional to me and I didn't feel like they showed any emotion. The bulk of the story seemed like dialogue. Very proper dialogue. The characters had these proper yet stilted conversations that were just a little to clean and neat and without an iota of emotion. And now I'm being repetitive because I can't think of anything else to say. I would have liked to see some kind of inner monologue or freak out when the characters were fighting or when there was a death, but each situation was dealt with in a few sentences and we moved on.

So the story didn't make me feel anything but "meh". Because I couldn't connect, I also couldn't get invested in the romance or drama (which was somewhat predictable). And after finishing, I kinda wished I would've DNF'd and moved on to something else.

I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Unfortunately it didn't work for me. 2 stars / 1 flame.
Bambi_Unbridled | 1 weitere Rezension | Mar 19, 2016 |
Anyone who knows me knows that paranormal romance is a genre I rarely touch. So I didn't know what to expect. But I was pleasantly surprised by this book. I found the characters to be well developed. I enjoyed the way the story is told from several vantage points, keeping it fresh. And it definitely kept my attention, keeping me on my toes on what will happen next. Still not my favorite genre but I do look forward to the rest of the series as it is released. A great start to a series from a first time published author.
UberButter | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 9, 2016 |
Good debut book. Can't wait to read more in this series.
Belles007 | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 17, 2016 |
Great premise, shockingly bad execution...½
flusteredduck | 1 weitere Rezension | Nov 9, 2015 |
In 1693 Karina Howe was burned as a witch; she and her two sisters Kara and Kenna lived as true witches in Ipswitch, Massachusetts. Before Karina could be burned alive, however, she cast a powerful spell that launched the souls of herself and her sisters forward through time. The demon that separated them in 1693 also managed to get caught up in Karina's spell and finds a way every generation to keep one sister separate from the others so their full potential will never be reached. Presently, in Blackbrook, NY Karina lives as Trin with one of her sisters, Kit and they have spent all of their lives looking for the third sister. When Caris and her cousin Jason move into town, Trin feels a bond of the sisterhood with them. The more time Trin spends with Caris and Jason, the more she feels that they are connected, but as their connection grows, an evil shadow seems to tear them apart.

This was a quick, fun paranormal romance read. I really liked the idea that the witches were not truly killed, but their souls carried on through time. At first the plot seemed very simple to me, Trin and Kit are looking for their sister, and when Caris moves into town everything seems to be solved. However, when Caris and Jason arrive, another mystery is introduced. The black shadow that follows them around and seems to deter them from being with one another opens up Trin to her past lives. I really did enjoy Trin trying to figure out the connection between herself, Kit, Jason and Caris, and when it was finally revealed, I was not expecting it at all. A dramatic ending tied everything up nicely with a very different outcome for the witches of Salem than anyone would have expected.

This book was received for free in return for an honest review.½
Mishker | 1 weitere Rezension | Aug 30, 2015 |
Tish Thawer's debut novel, Scent of a White Rose, is a great mix of romance and mystery. You have a love story between Rose, a twenty year old college student and Christian, a 602 year old vampire. Yes we've read this love story a thousand times but this one has twist to it.

The vampires in this book are a little different than the usual vampires I read. I like that each author has their own take on the creatures or I would be bored out of my mind with them. Tish's vamps are light vampires, which means they are good but once they let their emotions or hunger take them over they start to drift. Meaning that they turn darker; their eyes and hair get a darker shade and sometimes appear black. But once they get their control back they drift back to their normal or light coloring. When I was reading this description it made me think of dark Willow in Buffy the Vampire Slayer when she got all dark and veiny looking.

Everyone has secrets that they are keeping from their friends and loved ones. There is mystery that surrounds Rose's mother's death. As the plot unfolds we get answers to this mystery and others. But of course this only brings up new questions for the future books in the series. Tish leaves just enough of a cliffhanger to make you want say, "UGH! I need the next book".

Scent of a White Rose is not the plain Jane girl meets vampire and falls in love story. I'm not going to tell you much more about the plot but I will tell you that you should add this book on you TBR list.

Jennifer-Book-Nympho | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 29, 2013 |
Tish Thawer's debut novel, Scent of a White Rose, is a great mix of romance and mystery. You have a love story between Rose, a twenty year old college student and Christian, a 602 year old vampire. Yes we've read this love story a thousand times but this one has twist to it.

The vampires in this book are a little different than the usual vampires I read. I like that each author has their own take on the creatures or I would be bored out of my mind with them. Tish's vamps are light vampires, which means they are good but once they let their emotions or hunger take them over they start to drift. Meaning that they turn darker; their eyes and hair get a darker shade and sometimes appear black. But once they get their control back they drift back to their normal or light coloring. When I was reading this description it made me think of dark Willow in Buffy the Vampire Slayer when she got all dark and veiny looking.

Everyone has secrets that they are keeping from their friends and loved ones. There is mystery that surrounds Rose's mother's death. As the plot unfolds we get answers to this mystery and others. But of course this only brings up new questions for the future books in the series. Tish leaves just enough of a cliffhanger to make you want say, "UGH! I need the next book".

Scent of a White Rose is not the plain Jane girl meets vampire and falls in love story. I'm not going to tell you much more about the plot but I will tell you that you should add this book on you TBR list.

Jennifer-Book-Nympho | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 29, 2013 |
deleting reviews if you want to take a look at them you can do so on my blog, link on my profile
karlaihdez | Sep 20, 2013 |
deleting reviews if you want to take a look at them you can do so on my blog, link on my profile
karlaihdez | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 20, 2013 |
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