
Cari ThomasRezensionen

Autor von Threadneedle

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In the enchanting world of "Threadneedle," the streets of London conceal secrets more magical than anyone could imagine. In this captivating novel, author Cari Thomas weaves a tale of mystery, danger, and the transformative power of magic.

At the heart of the story is Anna, a 16-year-old schoolgirl whose life has been shadowed by warnings of the dangers of magic. Raised by her Aunt, a member of a magical tradition based on total control of emotions and feelings so that their magic is similarly controlled, Anna has always been taught that magic and all emotion is sinful and she should fear it. Her own father killed her witch mother in a fit of passion, after all. Bound by tradition and fear, Anna prepares for the ceremony that will seal her magic away forever.

But when her mother’s best friend Selene returns from America, she encounters Selene’s daughter Effie, who is also 16 and her (boyfriend?) Attis, and her world is turned upside down. Together, they reveal a London brimming with ancient witchcraft, hidden libraries, and mysterious clubs where people use magic without fear and a large group of others who certainly don’t see it as a sin. They also begin to attend her school and completely transform her life there as well, introducing her to the other witches that have always surrounded her without her knowing it.

As Anna delves deeper into this hidden world, she grapples with questions about the nature of her own magic—is it a gift or a curse? With each revelation, Anna's journey becomes more perilous, as she uncovers dark forces at play and discovers the truth about her past. From the dusty pages of hidden libraries to the intoxicating allure of witch clubs, the setting is richly atmospheric, transporting readers to a London unlike any they've known.

"Threadneedle" is a spellbinding read that will captivate fans of Garth Nix, V.E. Schwab, and Alix E. Harrow. Thomas effortlessly blends magic and intrigue, drawing readers into a world where secrets lurk around every corner and nothing is as it seems. It is clear that Anna is an unreliable narrator to a certain extent, because of the deliberate gaslighting and enforced ignorance she’s been subjected to. If you have issues with child abuse, both psychological and physical this may not be a story for you.

Central to the novel's appeal is Anna herself—a heroine whose quiet strength and determination resonate deeply. As she confronts her fears and embraces her magic, Anna undergoes a remarkable transformation, evolving from a timid young woman into a powerful force to be reckoned with. Her journey is both thrilling and deeply moving, keeping readers eagerly turning the pages until the very end.

In "Threadneedle," Cari Thomas has crafted a masterful tale of magic, love, and self-discovery. With its richly drawn characters, evocative setting, and gripping plot, this is a novel that will linger in the imagination long after the final page is turned. Whether you're a fan of fantasy or simply love a good story, "Threadneedle" is a terrific read.

As Anna delves deeper into this hidden world, she grapples with questions about the nature of her own magic—is it a gift or a curse? With each revelation, Anna's journey becomes more perilous, as she uncovers dark forces at play and discovers the truth about her past. From the dusty pages of hidden libraries to the intoxicating allure of witch clubs, the setting is richly atmospheric, transporting readers to a London unlike any they've known.

"Threadneedle" is a spellbinding read. Thomas effortlessly blends magic and intrigue, drawing readers into a world where secrets lurk around every corner and nothing is as it seems. It is clear that Anna is an unreliable narrator to a certain extent, because of the deliberate gaslighting and enforced ignorance she’s been subjected to. If you have issues with child abuse, both psychological and physical, this may not be a story for you.

But Anna makes for a heroine whose quiet strength and determination resonate deeply. As she confronts her fears and embraces her magic, Anna undergoes a remarkable transformation, evolving from a timid young woman into a powerful force to be reckoned with. Her journey is both thrilling and deeply moving, keeping readers eagerly turning the pages until the very violent end.

In "Threadneedle," Cari Thomas has crafted a masterful tale of magic, love, and self-discovery. With its richly drawn characters, evocative setting, and gripping plot, this is a novel that will linger in the imagination long after the final page is turned. Whether you're a fan of fantasy or simply love a good story, "Threadneedle" is a terrific read.
sa_magnuson | 7 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 31, 2024 |
Anna lives in London and her aunt has always emphasised that she has to keep her magic under control or she will be hunted. Her coven's methods are quite severe but they have kept the members of the coven from being discovered, from death and from exposing other witches to public knowledge. Then her aunt came to visit with her daughter and they are less careful and Anna begins to see a world outside her aunt's constraints and it's attractive.
This has echoes of the Craft and other books about teenage witches learning about their abilities; I would like to read more in this world but I'm not rushing to read it.½
wyvernfriend | 7 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 19, 2023 |
Trudged through beginning of book, it finally started to get more interesting when they formed a coven but felt like a reworking of The Craft. There were definitely some interesting twists at the end, but since I felt like I was wallowing through the book to finish it, I don't care to read any sequels.
Jen-the-Librarian | 7 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 5, 2023 |
Marketed as, I believe, adult fantasy, this reads much more as a YA read to me. There's a lot of teenage angst and themes of coming of age. It's long but never gets ponderous. Fresh and original.

Anna has been brought up by her aunt after the violent deaths of her parents when she was a baby. Her aunt has indoctrinated her in the dangers of magic, 'Magic is the first sin. It must be bound'. Her methods for controlling Anna's magic are not kind. The binders use knots as a method of control and binders techniques can be brutal. Devoid of a loving family life at home, fifteen-year-old Anna also keeps her head down at school, avoiding notice. She is called the Nobody.

When Anna's other aunt, Selene, visits, bringing with her Effie and Attis, Anna's well-controlled life begins to slowly unravel. Her eyes are opened to another side of magic, another side of life, to some of the normal things 15 yeard old girls do, and to less normal things like magical libraries and shops in London.

But all is not fun and games and Anna begins to wonder if her aunt was right all along.
ArdizzoneFan | 7 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 4, 2021 |
I think I didn't pay quite enough attention to the marketing or maybe this is a result of the UK not separating out ya from adult in SFF genres to the extent that the Americans do, but I didn't realise quite how ya the novel would be. It's modern day witches at high school, set in London, among relatively posh kids. I struggle with magic school books so I'm really not the audience but it was well written and put together with interesting magic. I would not recommend it to my friends who read adult SFF but I might recommend it to the few teens I know who read books of that flavour as it has a lot to offer that age group. In that sense, it is actually refreshing to read ya which feels, for once, targeted at actual ya readers instead of ya written for adults on the sly.
Sunyidean | 7 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 7, 2021 |
Anna has always known about magic but her aunt has told her to be careful and that she must repress it. As Anna reaches 16 she becomes aware that magic can be dangerous, important witches have been found dead and her aunt is telling her that she must formally bind her magic. Into her life come Effie and Attis, their magic is wild and free and they encourage Anna to experiment and develop. Anna has a huge decision to make and wants to know her family secrets before making it as she feels she is cursed.
I can imagine that this book is very popular with its target audience but I was left wanting a little bit more sense and less teenage angst. It's a little like reading a hormonally-driven Harry Potter book but without the lightness and humour. Don't get me wrong, there is an interesting plot here but I felt it was suppressed and not developed enough leaving the final quarter of the book jammed with content that actually was the driver of the narrative.
pluckedhighbrow | 7 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 19, 2021 |
A magical world right in the middle of the normal world. Not Harry Potter, no this is much darker and much more real. It is a YA and Anna the protagonist is a 16 year old girl so it should be no surprise that some of the demons that they are battling have more to do with boys and popularity than magic but there are darker problems and not just the bullying, mean girls and gossip of the conventional world.
It is a book of contrasts, between the control and oppression of the Binders, an almost religious organisation to which Anna's aunt and guardian is a senior member; to the hedonistic freedom shared by the fairy godmother figure of Selene. Selene is an old friend of Anna's late mother who moves back to London with her daughter Effie and a teenage boy called Attis and this changes Anna's world.
CharlotteBurt | 7 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 1, 2021 |
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