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Nero comes in through the patio door while escaping police presence, but Payton takes it in stride, more or less. This leads to a compelling romance with some humor and some darkness in a great story.
N.W.Moors | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 2, 2024 |
Savannah takes her new boyfriend over to meet a friend, only to run into the guy's wife and her brother, King. Then she witnesses King killing the guy and being kidnapped - not your usual meet-cute. It's a great story with a couple made for each other.
N.W.Moors | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 2, 2024 |
This is one of those Mafia books that just fall flat for me, mostly because the heroine is such a doormat. Dom manipulates her the entire book, but one orgasm and she's suddenly fine again. And I don't mean just telling her how to dress or act. He drugs her and marries her, changes out her birth control, and so on. I'm tired of the heroines not having any spine.
N.W.Moors | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 2, 2024 |
Hans is an assassin who is entirely befuddled by his new neighbor Cassie, who won't leave him alone. It's a great story to end this series, and I really liked the interactions between the two. Cassie is just fun, while Hans is the strong, silent type who is attracted to her, but feels a relationship is only going to complicate both their lives. And, boy, does it!
N.W.Moors | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 2, 2024 |
Natalie and Luke are heating up together both off and on the ice. Talk about s#x on the beach. It is all fun and games until sand ends up where the sun don't shine! That was one HOT scene.

Love the nicknames that these two had for each other...Mr. Muscles and Princess and Green Eyes.

As if I needed any more reason to love Luke, yet, who can resist a man who reads romance books and enjoys them. I absolutely heart these two. They brought the witty banter and the heat. So many steamy scenes. I may have reread the scenes several times and slowly.

Get ready to get "wet" with Luke in this book!
Cherylk | Apr 1, 2024 |
Vincent is the CEO of a big corporation in Minneapolis. His family was in the Mafia, but they've gone straight, so he hires a publicist, Sasha, to help with their image. There's a bit of Insta-lust, but this is a terrific story with a thriller element (Vincent has an enemy who wants to punish him for his sister's death). Nice start to the series.
N.W.Moors | Mar 25, 2024 |
Sheryl_B | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 23, 2024 |
Quickie Review (May contain spoilers, fair warning upon reading this review.)

Mr Sin was a delightful story and I did have a fun time with this one. The premise between them was interesting. I didn't really understand the angst that developed between these two though. It just didn't make sense to me. It kinda felt like the drama was used as a filler for the story. The spice was top notch and I enjoyed the relationship between the hero and his daughter. There is something precious about a single father of a little girl. Some of the writing in this one could have been better though. I just wasn't a fan of how preachy the author gets in this one for certain feminist politics. Just rubbed me the wrong way in how it was written and did ruin my enjoyment of the story at times. But if you don't mind books getting preachy at times, then I do recommend it to you, just wasn't my taste. Will check out her older books as those most likely aren't as political but also didn't have the touch of Nero or Dom in it either. But still a solid read that I easily got swept into.
addictofromance | 1 weitere Rezension | Jan 21, 2024 |
This review may contain spoilers, so fair warning, upon reading the review.

Book Evaluation:
Plot: 🎞️🎞️🎞️🎞️
World Building:🌎🌎🌎
Hero: 🦸🏻🦸🏻🦸🏻
Intimacy Level: 🔥🔥🔥
Relationship Building: 💒💒💒
Heart & Feels:💞💞💞
Witty/Banter/Reaction of Laughter: 😂😂😂😂
Page Turner Level:📖📖📖
Overall View: ✨✨✨

First Impressions
Hans is the final (I think it is anyway) book in the "Alliance" series. After such a positive experience that I had with "Dom" I had really high expectations for Hans and it didn't quite work for me if I am being honest. I was really excited too because I loved what I saw with him and his "ladies" in Dom. However, I was disappointed with what this booko delivered. While there are positive aspects to it, the character of Hans was disappointing and the heroine, I didn't really connect with like I did some of the previous heroines in the series.

First Line
The soft scraping sound of my blade gliding over the whetstone fills me with a sense of calm.

Hans is a brooding man that keeps his secrets close. He is a trained assassin and fights for a very good reason and still has one enemy out there he will never stop fighting to get to. When a sexy woman moves in across the street from his home, he is tempted more than ever before. She is constantly using him as her guinea pig for her bakery recipes and his attraction to her is only building. There is a mutual attraction between Hans and Cassie, but Hans lives a dangerous life and doesn't know that he can risk being with Cassie and have her put in danger. But their connection is building to a point that he doesn't know he can let go of.

What I Loved
There were aspects to the story that I did enjoy. The first being is the plot. The plot was super well written in this story and it kept me on the edge of my seat. I really enjoyed how well developed it was and the suspense elements that are gradually built throughout the story. I also really enjoyed the chemistry between Hans and Cassie, that focus was well built. This author definitely knows how to build her intimacy. There were also some fun interactions with the others in the Alliance that was a bit entertaining at times.

What I Struggled With
I will be honest in that this book was a disappointment. I am not sure exactly what it was but it just felt lacking especially in comparison to the previous books that I read on this one here. I really wanted to love it though. It just didn't execute in the way that I expected it to. I think my issue with this one was that the romance I just didn't feel that strongly. Yes there is good chemistry, but the actually relationship aspects and the swoons between this couple just didn't quite make it for me. The pacing in the book was slow, I am not sure if this was a "me" issue or not, however, I just had the hardest time keeping interest in this story. Another element was the characters I just didn't feel the depth for like I expected. Hans, while we get a good back story, I expected more from his character. After Nero, King and Dom, Hans feels like a cinnamon roll and I am not saying that in a positive way. If I am reading a dark romance with a crazy unhinged hero, I want an alpha male. He felt way too soft for me. Also another aspect to the story that I don't understand with this one was the number of chapters, there are over 100. That is WAY too many especially when quite a few chapters were only one page. What is that?? LOL

Overall View
Hans while a disappointing read at times, had such promise and was a satisfying finale in some respects. Despite my experience with this one, I will always have this author on my watchlist.

Favorite Quote(s)
But if he’s gonna be obsessed with me, he’d better be obsessed with only me.

Book Details (also in my shelves)
Sub Genre: Contemporary Romance, Dark Romance
Character Types: Assasian-Male, Curvy Heroine
Themes: Retelling (Goldilocks)
Tropes: Next Door Neighbor, Protector

Book Perspective

Relationship Conflict vs Plot Conflict

Song This Book Inspires
Body Electric by Lana Del Rey

Recommendation For Reading Order

Steam/Spice Explanations

Steamin' up the room -the sexual content is more explicit in the language and tone, heavier amount of sexual scenes.½
addictofromance | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 3, 2024 |
Quick mafia dark romance read. Nero is the first book in the Alliance series. The story is one of obsession, stalking, unraveling past traumas, alpha-possessive.
Beckles | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 30, 2023 |
Let me start off by saying that Hans can watch me anytime. You could feel the electricity sparking between Cassie and Hans. You know what happens when a spark grows so big that it combusts. This is when the dial was cranked full blast. I could not get enough of Hans and Cassie.

Hans may not have said "I love you" to Cassie out loud for quite a while but he was in love with her. You know it is true love when he would eat Cassie's bad baked goods. I laughed every time that Hans stuffed his mouth with the food. Absolutely love these two together.

While I am sad to come to an end of this series, it is a very satisfying ending. S.J. delivers again all the spicy goodness with this book!
Cherylk | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 25, 2023 |
Quickie Review (May Contain Spoilers, Fair Warning Upon Reading Review)

What a true delightful story this was! And it was a surprise too. Ever since I discovered this author, I have had this one on my watchlist and it was so cute. Now could this have been a full length novel with more relationship depth to it? Yes it most definitely could have been. But it was charming, full of Christmas cheer and the romance was spot on. I love how our hero and heroine connect to each other and the vivid emotions in this book that just struck deeply. I just couldn't get enough and I was so easily caught up in the story as well. There is something so addictive about this writing style that this author uses that sucks you into a story. And I don't think I have read a romance that features a bake off tv show, so that was so so interesting and different but fun and lively and I am just craving more of this author.
addictofromance | Dec 10, 2023 |
This review may contain spoilers, so fair warning, upon reading the review.

Book Evaluation:
Plot: 🎞️🎞️🎞️🎞️🎞️
World Building:🌎🌎🌎🌎🌎
Hero: 🦸🏻🦸🏻🦸🏻🦸🏻🦸🏻
Intimacy Level: 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Relationship Building: 💒💒💒💒💒
Heart & Feels:💞💞💞💞💞
Witty/Banter/Reaction of Laughter: 😂😂😂😂😂
Page Turner Level:📖📖📖📖📖
Overall View: ✨✨✨✨✨

First Impressions
Dom is book three in the "Alliance" series by S.J. Tilly. This story completely blew me away. The series hasn't exactly wowed me as of yet until I read Dom and I had heard mixed things about Dom and it was utterly delightful. I am wondering at the mental capacity of anyone that rated this below 4 stars at the moment, because this book was perfect in every way. Just every aspect that comes into this story felt so right and I was in sync with just about every aspect of this from the character development, to the plot, to the swoons and feels, it was top notch. And the way this author managed the conflict was perfection. I always worry about these type of conflicts because many authors don't always handle it too well. However, this story was just right for me and I soaked it up like a sponge.

First Line
It seems strange that so many people, even when they aren't talking, can make so much noise.

The Main Protagonists
The Hero: Dom
-Head of the Chicago Mafia
-Latino Heritage
-Family Focused
-Protective Alpha with possessive tendancies

The Heroine: (Heroine's Name)
-Suffers from self esteem issues

Val growing up didn't have the perfect childhood, but her father was her loving figure even if he was gone. She was shocked when he died to learn that she wasn't his only family, and that she was the dirty secret to hide under the rug. She has never truly felt accepted or love by anyone in her young life. She is now 26, who travels for her work. Even though she has a good amount of money, she wants to be productive. While at the airport, traveling for one of her jobs, she meets Dom, who is sexy and a protector and there is instant chemistry between them. They both have a connection they don't want to let go of. And when they end up in Vegas, some decisions are made and before she knows it Val is placed in a situation she never expected that could tear her apart if she lets it and it will come down to the love she holds for Val or the acceptance she dreams of with her family and she will have to find her own strength to be the partner that Val needs as head of the Chicago mafia but the road they will go on will take them on a journey of growth, love and connection...

What I Loved
There was so much to love about this story. So first I want to discuss our characters. So our delicious hero, Dom. Dom is a hero you can die on a hill for. He is alpha in that he likes control, he is protective, but tender and caring in close quarters with those he loves, but he does get a bit possessive at times and will take control over situations when necessary. He always has a backup plan to his primary plan and his focus is family. I absolutely adored Dom in every way. The way he is with his family and especially how he cares for Val just warmed my heart. Yes he can be controlling in certain areas, he is a pure alpha male, but at the same time he will fight for her in ways that no one else will and my heart just fell hard for this man. Then we have Val. Now Val is a girl I could so relate to, at least my younger self can especially. In all honesty, I tend to really enjoy the heroines that this author writes. But Val was a heroine that wasn't happy. She had been hurt constantly by those that should have loved her and even the way that her siblings treat her, I wanted to pound in the ground myself haha. The struggles that she battles emotions, she had my heart breaking for her because I saw so much of the emotional struggles I personally had when I was younger and still sometimes face. I know some readers won't like it but I admired her because she was working with a therapist, she understood her struggles and was slowly on trying to be better on handling her issues and facing up to them and accepting her flaws. She has a tender sweet soul that deserved the protection and love that Dom is willing to give to her if she can learn to trust in him.

The romance that develops between Dom and Val is not easy. Quickly they build a strong connection, they have great chemistry but also they can make each other blush and laugh and just enjoy the sweet moments that they have together. The little texts that they send to each other were so adorable. The heroine is such a weirdo but a cute one. I love her personality and Dom is drawn to her like a moth to a flame. I love how he just loves the woman that she is and embraces her quirkiness. There is some conflict in the story (Spoiler Zone) as the hero isn't being honest about all of his intentions. His family is being targeted and he will do whatever it takes to protect them. He needs to be part of the alliance and the only way he sees a way to get in with Nero and King not trusting him, is to find a way to get Val to marry him. He literally drugs her and gets them married and the truth is revealed when they visit Val's brother and the truth comes out. But her brother at the time doesn't fight for her and knows her only home now is with Dom despite how much he has betrayed her. But she takes it in stride, she stands on her own but not in a spiteful way, just reacting in a way that she is hurt. But it soon becomes clear on the motivations on why Dom deceived her, and she understands it but it does take some time for her to forgive him. I actually loved how this conflict was address actually. It was done so delicately and I want to applaud the author for handling this aspect so so well. I also was endeared by how "cute" these two are together. When things are solid with them, their interactions just swept me away and I just was smiling the whole time. They were simply adorable and I couldn't get enough. And 500 pages was NOT enough for me haha I honestly want more of this couple.

What I Struggled With
The only thing is that every heroine this author writes is curvy. Not sure if thats just what this author does or if its this series but would have liked to see different body types for heroines but it could be this is the type she wants to focus on. Not a bad thing at all, just would like some balance as women come in all types.

Overall View
Dom is a brilliantly mastered romance that feeds the heart with warm feels, plenty of laughs, and a poignant relationship that strikes deep to the soul of the reader...ABSOLUTELY A STUNNING JEWEL OF A READ!

Favorite Quote(s)
“I need a taste of you, Angel. A taste of whatever you’ll give me.”

When you do things with purpose, you have nothing to apologize for.

'' Something about this man tells me he doesn't write his name on his luggage. He probably narrows his eyes at his suitcase, daring it to get lost''

My dad is a liar. My mom is a liar. I think I have siblings. But I think they hate me. And I don’t want to be hated. I just want to be loved.

Book Details (also in my shelves)
Sub Genre: Contemporary Romance, Dark Romance
Character Types: Alpha Hero, Mafia, Shy Heroine, Curvy Heroine
Themes: Lots of Laughs, Danger Elements, Meet Cute, Las Vegas Wedding
Tropes: Marriage of Convenience, Instant Love Connection

Book Perspective

Relationship Conflict vs Plot Conflict
A Mix of both

Song This Book Inspires
Diamonds by Rhianna

Recommendation For Reading Order
You can read as a standalone, but reading in order is better for interconnecting character relationships.

Steam/Spice Explanations

Steamin' up the room -the sexual content is more explicit in the language and tone, heavier amount of sexual scenes.

photo Addicted To Romance Reviews 2_zpsplp8m0tb.png
addictofromance | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 27, 2023 |
*May Contain Spoilers-Fair Warning Upon Reading This Review*

King was a story that I was really excited for after reading "Nero". King is the partner and best friend to Nero and his character really intrigued me. The story really pulls you in fast with the beginning. I love a great alpha male and this hero was just perfection. Then we have our heroine who was very dynamic and interesting at times. I did like her, I felt like she was strong in her own way. She is put in a difficult situation so I admire the moments in which she stands on her own but also understands when she needs to not push too much. I really enjoyed that moments of suspense at times with this. The whole plot though with King and going after the mayor's brother was ...odd and felt like a bit too much for what he did. The third act suspense plot came out of nowhere and I do think that could have been built up a bit better in the plot as a whole though. The romance though was beautiful and the writing is very addicting and entertaining. I do think this author writes in a very compelling way and I am loving it even if these books aren't five star reads.
addictofromance | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 16, 2023 |
Quickie Review-May Contain Spoilers, Fair Warning Upon Reading the Review

Nero is the first book in the "Alliance series" and I really had a blast with this one here. In fact, this was the type of mafia I wish that we saw much more often in the genre because these types of pairings really work for me. So Nero was such a delicious read. If you are fans of "Knight by Kristen Ashley" then I really think you will enjoy this one. It just had similar type of dynamics for the couple. And I soaked it up like a sponge. Also, this writing I could easily into so be prepared for a page-turner of a read. The sexual tension was pretty solid in this, but the execution of the sex scenes in this book were a little off. They just didn't quite fit to be honestly. Like we are talking pretty intense stuff and the heroine a virgin is completely on board and it just felt like the evolvement into those scenes could have been built up instead of suddenly there in bold flying colors (haha). However, I really couldn't get enough of this book and stayed up pretty late in the reading of this one and it definitely was worth it. So if you are looking for a book to just instantly get swept away by, then I recommend this one here.
addictofromance | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 7, 2023 |
Finally, a well written stalker billionaire dark romance. Did it have a clichéd and predictable plot? Yes. Did it have all the usual tropes? Yes. Was it by any means extraordinary? No. Did I still kick up my legs and scream like a mad woman at the romantic dialogues delivered by Nero? Heck yes!

Finally the most important question - Was I bored anywhere throughout the book? No. Because even though the plot was nothing original or the twists unpredictable, the writing style was engaging and I didn't find the need to skip over paragraphs to get through.

A high 3.75 stars
bellac89 | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 29, 2023 |
Not as good as the first one but towards the climax the romance payoff was good.

2.5 stars
bellac89 | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 29, 2023 |
If an author is going to make the h a "heavy", "overweight" least make her character own it. Payton had serious body image issues which isn't enjoyable to read in a romance novel. I just couldn't feel the love between her and Nero at all. The book "skipped" around a lot and felt a bit disjointed at times. I was wondering if it was a first book for the author.
DebJack | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 28, 2023 |
Yes, yes, come to me baby yes!! This book is "thicc", just like King. A big man everywhere that is not afraid to take what he wants. Like where do I sign up as volunteer. When he whipped off his belt and started stripping down. Reaches for a tall, ice cold drink of water to pour over myself.

Savannah learned that it is better to give in then to resist King. Although, in the beginning it was funny to see her try. I love her feisty side. She is the perfect match for King. I usually say "chemistry", but it was all "passion". I absolutely devoured this book.
Cherylk | 3 weitere Rezensionen | May 24, 2023 |
i don't knoOOoOw. i enjoyed this but not enough for me to gush about it, or even really go on about what i didn't like. very middle of the road on this one.

loved the 20 age gap but the daddy kink felt very jessa kane.
beethovensfruit | Jan 29, 2023 |
such a cute fluffy book but he says kitten in literally every sentence
gabbxoo | Dec 18, 2022 |
4.4 stars

I always love discovering new authors. It reminds me why I fell in love with reading in the first place. This author took me on a journey with humor, some angst, and delightful characters. I enjoyed the chemistry between the characters and even more so with the daughter, Annie. There are a lot of characters left that could have future stories and I'm on board for that.

This author is on my watch list for 2021. Especially, if she continues to create over the tip and possessive future book boyfriends.
MagicalRi | 1 weitere Rezension | Feb 24, 2022 |
4.4 stars

I'm really enjoying this new author and her stories. These are great characters and the story is told in an engaging way. Great suspense, slow build on relationships, and interconnected characters. The story ended on a happily for now but did get a peek at what character is next. I'm excited for it.

MagicalRi | Feb 24, 2022 |
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