
Yuto TsukudaRezensionen

Autor von Endlose Wildnis

26 Werke 2,794 Mitglieder 54 Rezensionen


Hello Fellow Readers,

Today I bring you The manga Food Wars. The main character, Soma, goal is to one day beat his father at cooking. His plans were to train & work in his father's kitchen. His dad has other plans. Now Soma is enrolled in the most prestige cooking school in Japan where only lot of the Students graduate. Will Soma graduate and finally win against his father or will he be expelled before he even gets to start?

My husband loves this anime, but honestly I don't watch too much TV. but when I saw the
that there was an opportunity to read the manga, I jumped at it. Soma is great, equal parts cocky badass, and nice guy. I really love the cast of characters that get introduced, there's quite a few to name so I won't do that but each are unique and fun. Honestly, I didn't know what to think at first. How is a manga about cooking supposed to be intense and exciting? I was pleasantly surprised to find that it was. Somehow, this manga was exciting, intense & funny, while also making me hungry as well.

I feel like the Author actually knows what they are talking about to. I really want to try to cook one of the dishes the way they are described in this manga because it sounds so legit. They way convey cooking was pretty great and I was surprised that I like the manga so much considering what it’s about.

The illustrations were great too. Saeki was able to convey the seriousness of each situation but also through in humor as well. Plus, the food looked mouthwatering. Overall, a pleasant, humorous Manga that somehow makes cooking more intense than an episode of Dragonball Z, just don’t read this on an empty stomach or else.

*A Thank you to Netgalley for allowing me to read this for an honest and unbiased review*
latteslipsticklit | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 16, 2023 |
Good stuff

Makes me want to try the recipes at home. I will enjoy reading more of the series, I am sure.
embly | 7 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 4, 2023 |
So ends the Fall Classic and begins the Stagiaire Challenge. They're quick to move from one challenge to the next with no time to rest. Love the continued fast pacing where it feels like every volume matters (because filler manga is the worst)
kayfeif | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 7, 2022 |
Love to hate Mimasaka. The Fall Classic is steadily underway
kayfeif | 1 weitere Rezension | Jul 7, 2022 |
This volume was more enjoyable than Food Wars has been for a while now, I think the Fall Classic storyline was really dragging and I'm glad to move on to something new. Ryo Nakama's guest take on Food Wars included as a bonus was one of the funniest things I've read in a while.
torygy | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 31, 2022 |
Hello Fellow Readers,

Today I bring you The manga Food Wars. The main character, Soma, goal is to one day beat his father at cooking. His plans were to train & work in his father's kitchen. His dad has other plans. Now Soma is enrolled in the most prestige cooking school in Japan where only lot of the Students graduate. Will Soma graduate and finally win against his father or will he be expelled before he even gets to start?

My husband loves this anime, but honestly I don't watch too much TV. but when I saw the
that there was an opportunity to read the manga, I jumped at it. Soma is great, equal parts cocky badass, and nice guy. I really love the cast of characters that get introduced, there's quite a few to name so I won't do that but each are unique and fun. Honestly, I didn't know what to think at first. How is a manga about cooking supposed to be intense and exciting? I was pleasantly surprised to find that it was. Somehow, this manga was exciting, intense & funny, while also making me hungry as well.

I feel like the Author actually knows what they are talking about to. I really want to try to cook one of the dishes the way they are described in this manga because it sounds so legit. They way convey cooking was pretty great and I was surprised that I like the manga so much considering what it’s about.

The illustrations were great too. Saeki was able to convey the seriousness of each situation but also through in humor as well. Plus, the food looked mouthwatering. Overall, a pleasant, humorous Manga that somehow makes cooking more intense than an episode of Dragonball Z, just don’t read this on an empty stomach or else.

*A Thank you to Netgalley for allowing me to read this for an honest and unbiased review*
Lattes_Literature | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 23, 2021 |
Good stuff

Makes me want to try the recipes at home. I will enjoy reading more of the series, I am sure.
embly | 7 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 11, 2021 |
What a disappointing offering for the penultimate serving of the series. The final villain and the ultimate big bad are even worse than the one from the previous story arc.

Half or more of this book is given over to the raving of Soma's final rival, Asahi Saiba, a young man who was once an apprentice to Soma's father. All he does is talk about the knives he has taken from defeated rivals and how he likes to cross them and rub them against each other and talk about how good it feels to rub the knives against each other and how everyone should rub their knives together because it feels so good to cross knives and wouldn't it be good to have Soma's knife to fondle and cross with the knives he has taken from Soma's father and best friend because their knives are so good but are now Saiba's to do with as he wants just like soon Soma's pathetic little knife will be and . . . and . . . and . . . ahhhhhhhhhhh . . .

I think there's symbolism here somewhere?
villemezbrown | Jun 18, 2020 |
And now it has become repetitive. The same thing that happens in the first and second volume happens here as well. I understand that the title is "Food Wars", so I am to expect a challenge every now and then, but it gets boring over time. You know there is always going to be the Shokugeki, the unexpected triumph of Soma and the fan service. The only plus point is that there are new recipes, but it isn't enough to hook me to this manga.
anushanarasimhan | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 5, 2020 |
By second volume, I've come to a point where the fan service doesn't make me uncomfortable anymore. I'm able to ignore it and focus on the plot, which is quite interesting. I like that there are recipes of the food prepared in the Shougeki. Despite not being able to cook them because I'm a vegetarian, I still loved reading the recipes since it is fun and intriguing to learn about food made in a different country. This manga has made me want to dine in an authentic Japanese restaurant.
anushanarasimhan | 7 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 5, 2020 |
*I watched the anime first.

*I am drooling.

*I will definitely make the dishes here.

*Nakiri Erina is tsundere. I suspect there's a sob story background for her but, darn, I just don't really like her.

*These over-the-top reactions are like "how can I get away with nakedness and orgasmic expressions without it being hentai".
Ayanami_Faerudo | 7 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 12, 2018 |
*I watched the anime first.

*I am drooling.

*I will definitely make the dishes here.

*I've already made the Yukihira-Style Mackerel Burger.

*These over-the-top reactions are like "how can I get away with nakedness and orgasmic expressions without it being hentai".
Ayanami_Faerudo | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 12, 2018 |
A solid volume that helps kick off the closing chapters of the "evil dean" storyline that has gone on way too long. I'm sure there will be plenty more volumes before the actual conclusion, but it is a relief to think that the end is at least on the way.
villemezbrown | Jul 28, 2018 |
I've been despairing that this series was in a terminal nosedive with the evil school dean storyline, but this volume finally serves up some backstory about Soma's father's time at the culinary school that explains the larger picture and derails the overlong, unnecessarily complicated and relentlessly dull Hokkaido tournament to set up a final winner-takes-all confrontation. For the first time in a while, I'm eager for the next volume.
villemezbrown | Jul 28, 2018 |
I like the developments in the food festival competition, but I have some major reservations about the introduction of a new villain in the second half of the volume. I want to trust in the creators, but I'm in wait and see mode as I hope this is not a plot blunder in one of my favorite manga series.
villemezbrown | 1 weitere Rezension | Jul 28, 2018 |
I'm so glad the multi-volume cooking competition is finally over and more interesting things can happen again. The internships at actual restaurants are a fun change of pace.
villemezbrown | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 28, 2018 |
The first part of the book resolves the cliffhanger from last volume as our hero works to be creative and snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. His assessment following the competition captures the theme of the entire series: "I totally messed that one up, big time! But thanks to that, I gained valuable experience from my failures." Soma's positivity and competitiveness continue to make him an admirable protagonist.

The second part of the book is an entertaining return to Soma's hometown and an attempt to keep the local street market from losing all its customers to new stores opening at a nearby train station. Very well executed and fun.

A final interlude reveals another, welcome side of the usually shy Megumi. Great reveal.
villemezbrown | 1 weitere Rezension | Jul 28, 2018 |
It's just pure joy to read this series. The lead character is competitive, but remains a caring and positive person despite his focus. I like how the series creators make even their villains human and relatable despite their cruel and evil ways.
villemezbrown | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 28, 2018 |
Soma's and Megumi's rounds bookend this volume, giving the story a great kick off and a bang-up ending. The middle section, with the introduction of all the other crazy cooking contestants, isn't as strong but moves along quickly and has several good moments.
villemezbrown | 1 weitere Rezension | Jul 28, 2018 |
The first half of the book is solid as Soma's father reappears. He's a great character.

The introduction of the quirky, curry experts in the second half isn't as successful, but it serves to introduce the reader to a lot of information about curry - which will be the main ingredient of the impending cooking competition - while still being entertaining. Not bad for an exposition piece.
villemezbrown | 1 weitere Rezension | Jul 28, 2018 |
Still a great series, but this volume loses a little steam for me as Soma competes against one of his least impressive foes in bento boxes. The cliffhanger lacks drama as the outcome seems easily predictable.

The side story at the end offers little beyond putting much of the female cast into swimsuits. This is disappointing as the fan service usually serves as a hot spice accenting the main story instead of being the point of the story.

The interlude in the main story of Soma and Megumi subbing at a cooking school is charming and helps keep the rating of this volume high.
villemezbrown | 1 weitere Rezension | Jul 28, 2018 |
A fine entry focusing mostly on the side characters. But I'm here for Soma, and the book doesn't really catch fire until the last chapter sets up his next shokugeki. I'm worried that even Soma can't save this series from the dreadful storyline where the new dean is a ham-fisted villain.
villemezbrown | 1 weitere Rezension | Jul 28, 2018 |
I'm not really liking this new villain and story direction, and it is starting to seem like both are going to be around for a long time. I am feeling sadness.
villemezbrown | 1 weitere Rezension | Jul 28, 2018 |
I enjoy this series way too much. It is pure silliness, but I get sucked in every time by the likability of the characters and the over-the-top dramatics. This volume has an excellent back-up story to boot.
villemezbrown | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 28, 2018 |
Much of this book is downbeat as an evil new regime cements its control of the school. There is a lot of moping among the cast about all the setbacks suffered. Things pick up when Soma decides to resist, but based on the fact that the books in this series all end on cliffhangers, I knew even as I read that there would be no real payoff this time around, so I couldn't invest myself entirely. As always, I'm looking forward to the next volume.
villemezbrown | 1 weitere Rezension | Jul 28, 2018 |