
Jackie WalshRezensionen

Autor von The Secrets He Kept

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I read twelve chapters of this book , and the whole 12 chapters I wanted to shake Laura (the wife). She was to hard for me to follow. I like a fast pasted book that jumps around , but this book leaped around.
I did read the last 8 chapters and they were great. I had it figured out (the bad guy) at the second to last chapter. So I have to say it does keep you guessing

Thanks Jackie Walsh and NETGALLEY for the ARC of this book.
amandasgoodbooks | 1 weitere Rezension | Jul 3, 2021 |
Five Little Words by Jackie Walsh

Slowly but steadily the author of this book presented a story that I was eventually captivated by. At first, I felt it was a bit plodding and perhaps wouldn’t go anywhere but as each short chapter ended, I became more invested in what would happen. There were unexpected twists and turns toward the end that threw the steady pace for a loop and had me thinking, “So THAT’S what happened.”

Both Laura and her husband Conor had secrets that would not be revealed till near the end. Their relationship had a “new” feel to it that showed up in their lack of open communication. In some ways I felt as if the story could have been set in perhaps the fifties due to the role Laura assumed throughout most of the book.

What I liked:
* That I didn’t know immediately the backstories of Laura and Conor
* That I was kept guessing and wondering where the story was taking me
* That the book was different
* Wondering about the pasts of Laura, Conor, and others in the story
* The way I cared more at the end of the book than I did in the beginning
* The way I was drawn in…slowly
* Conor’s regard for Laura
* Wondering about Laura and why she was as she was…was it just postpartum hormones or was there more to it all.
* When the secrets began to be revealed
* Being reminded that communication and trust with honesty are important in a strong relationship

What I didn’t like:
* Conor’s mother, Maggie, taking over without Conor standing up to her as he could have
* That Vicky lost her life – though finding out who killed her was an exercise worth reading about

Did I like this book? Yes
Would I read more by this author? Yes

Thank you to NetGalley and Hera for the ARC – This is my honest review.

4-5 Stars½
CathyGeha | 1 weitere Rezension | Oct 22, 2020 |
The Secrets He Kept
by Jackie Walsh

Sally: mother, wife and hairdresser
Tom: her husband
Cian & Tom: twin sons of Sally & Tom
Amber: 15 year old daughter of Sally & Tom
Charlie: The sharer of a photo that upturns everyone’s lives

Sally had no idea that a photo on a phone would set in motion the search for information that had been hidden from her. As each little piece of information is uncovered I believe she was feeling more and more on the outside of what was happening. Everyone seems to have had secrets and been telling lies.

This is a psychologically twisty tale that has a prologue that indicates a murder took place but who was killed is not evident till around page 100 and then who is she and how does she relate to the story and most important of all...who killed her and why? Finding out who did it was a bit of a surprise so I won’t give that away. I will say that I did want to know so kept reading and sometimes skimmed to find out how it would end.

What I liked:
* Not knowing right away who was killed and who the killer was
* The slow unveiling
* The eventual knowing
* Cian and Aaron
* the threads being woven together

What left me unsettled:
* The lying
* The secrets
* The ending – though it kind of had to end as it did
* Wondering how the pieces would be picked up by those that remained at the end of the book

Did I enjoy this book? Yes
Would I read more by this author? Yes

Thank you to NetGalley, Hera and BOTBS for the ARC – This is my honest review.

3-4 Stars½
CathyGeha | 1 weitere Rezension | Nov 8, 2019 |
I received a copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley.

Sally, who works as a a hairdresser, is shown a photo of a client's boyfriend with his father. The father is Sally's husband, Tom. The opening concept is gripping, but then Sally spends a lot of time angsting about confronting Tom and failing to do so, and then as Tom begins to admit incremental bits of information, the author comes up with more and more elaborate ways to account for the fact that Tom and Sally never sit down and have a reasonable conversation about the situation.

I liked the relationships Sally had with her colleagues at the salon and with her neighbours, but her relationship with Tom seemed fake somehow. I never believed that had been happy together for 15 years; there was no warmth, no intimacy, no in-jokes, no sharing. They were like two strangers who handed off childcare to one another. It was all too easy to assume Tom was lying. What was Tom's job? Why was he not paying off his debts, rather than Sally?

On the one hand, this novel kept my interest, but on the other, it all seemed by the end like a lot of fuss over nothing. I didn't understand why every one (and especially Tom - why make up the elaborate story about the cyclist?) had felt the need to keep secrets in the first place and certainly not latterly.
pgchuis | 1 weitere Rezension | Oct 11, 2019 |
Just finished this debut novel and wow! It was excellent. This book is about Becca who while visiting her mother who suffers from early onset of Alzheimers is told by her mother that she isn't her daughter - that she took her! Becca doesn't know what to believe. A series of events happens making Becca question if her whole life has been a lie. This book is very well written, has great characters and grabbed my attention and held it the entire time I was reading. I highly recommend that you add it to your TBR list when it publishes.. Thank you to NetGalley and Hera Books for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.
debbiebellows | 1 weitere Rezension | Jun 1, 2019 |
Familiar Strangers by Jackie Walsh

Digging in the dirt and digging for dirt...that is pretty much what anchors this story of a woman who seems a bit lost while she deals with the slow death her mother faces dealing with Alzheimer’s Disease. It wasn’t easy liking Rebecca due to the choices she made throughout the story – choices that to me were destructive but also perhaps a cry for help. There is not enough about her life “before” to really know why she is in the jobs she has or why she has made the questionable choices she has made. She has an ill mother, aging father, brother and pregnant sister-in-law but no real friends or goals or aspirations that I could ascertain.

When she is approached by the police about a missing woman she wonders why. She wonders even more when the woman turns up dead and the police are still asking questions. The mystery of who Katie Collins is and why someone would want to kill her is what Rebecca begins to focus on. The question of motivation and all the rest is eventually sussed out but in the end Rebecca still remains a bit of an amorphous character to me and I wonder just what she will choose to do with her life in the future.

What I liked:
* Not really knowing till near the end who the killer was
* The plotting and pace
* The feeling of mystery and darkness
* Jeff – although I am not sure why he became involved in helping Rebecca

What I didn’t like: What I was supposed not to like...and that is as it should be

What I wondered about at the end:
* Rebecca – would have liked to know her better
* Where both Rebecca’s and Katie’s mothers were and why they were such lax parents
* And...a few other things

Did I enjoy this book? Yes
Would I read more by this author? Yes

Thank you to NetGalley, Hera and BOTSB for the ARC – This is my honest review.

4 Stars
CathyGeha | 1 weitere Rezension | May 21, 2019 |
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