
Andere Autoren mit dem Namen Tom Watts findest Du auf der Unterscheidungs-Seite.

1 Werk 4 Mitglieder 1 Rezension


Tyson & Joey: Two Worlds Collide captures your attention from the start. It is hard tell if this book is more fiction or self-help. It delves into two worlds that seemingly could not be further apart.

On the surface, Joey has it all. His family is wealthy and he has every option available to him as he becomes a young man entering the adult world. Unfortunately, material possessions and financial stability does not stop his growing anxiety and mental distress. As depression plagues him and threatens to send him on a downward spiral of no return, he meets Tyson.

Tyson is a young man who grew up on the streets. His only option to support his family is to now work the streets. He spends his weekend nights hustling drugs and trying to keep his crew alive. He has a great mind that could be better suited to more legal alternatives, but he sees no way out of his neighborhood until he meets Joey.

Through a harrowing encounter, Tyson and Joey meet on the streets. It is obvious to each that they were meant to meet, but neither understood how the other, from such a different background, could possibly be the answer to their desires. As the story unfolds, the lesson to be learned is that you never know who just might hold the keys to your dilemma. Being open to getting to know each other led them down a path of self discovery and brighter futures.

This book is definitely worth your time. The voice of Tyson was a little weak and too polished for his background. However, the format and willingness to discuss hard issues more than makes up for that.
SentientObserver | Nov 8, 2017 |