5 Werke 53 Mitglieder 1 Rezension


This small book is a quick read, but don't let that misguide you into thinking it is light reading. It provides a rich theological delight for the soul, whether you are an expert in christian doctrine or a layperson beginning to learn what the Bible teaches.

The author, Mr. JD Wetterling. was deeply impacted by the events of September 11th, 2001. He shares how watching those events unfold made him realize how fragile life is, and how quickly it can be taken from us. From there, he considered the importance of knowing Christ and the assurance that comes from belonging to Him. In this book, he provides a small study of six key statements from Christ:
No one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again
No one can come to me unless the Father Who sent me draws him
No one comes to the Father except through me
No one takes it (life) from me, but I lay it down of my own accord
No one can snatch them (true Christians) out of my hand
No one will take away your joy
Without apology and with a heart for his audience, Wetterling examines our assurance of salvation, the work of the Spirit in bringing us to Christ, the uniqueness of Christ and the joy that comes from belonging to our Sovereign Lord. He does this with a pastoral approach, longing for his readers to come to an intimate understanding of the importance of these statements and the to give glory to our redeemer.

It took me a few days to read this book, but only because I gave myself a set time during the day in which to read. I could have finished it in one day!

The value of this book lies not only in its content, but in how useful it can be to a student of the Word. I can see that this book is not just a book to read for pleasure, but one to set next to your bible when you are studying it. So I highly recommend it and eagerly anticipate getting my hands on another book by this author!
enoch_elijah | Feb 7, 2019 |