

" the first comprehensive Jungian approach to supervision to be published...An invaluable building block for training and assessment at all levels...[and] essential reading for people engaged in supervision.' --Coline Covington, Chair of British Confederation of Psychotherapists

"The great merit of this book is that it brings together a number of very different contributions to the central aspects of supervision, from highly different perspectives, accompanied by clear and thoughtful introduction and summary chapters by the editors...The authors base their theoretical reflections on their practical experiences as supervisors, using real case examples that make the book both stimulating and easy to read." --Verena Kast, University of Zurich

"This book should become essential reading in analytic training programs throughout the world. The essays collected here represent the most current and informed thinking on the emergent discipline of analytic supervision. The work admirably fills a critical gap in the literature." --Murray Stein, President, International Association of Analytical Psychology
antimuzak | Apr 2, 2007 |