

Mountain States Medicinal Plants by Briana Wiles

March 2018
Non-fiction, health

I received this digital ARC from Timber Press/NetGalley in exchange for an unbiased review.

Although the author provides specific information regarding Mountain State medicinal plants, these plants are grown in other regions of the country. She provides extensive information regarding each plant as well as suggested "recipes" for use. It is evident that the author is very knowledgeable in this area and thus a reliable source on medicinal plants.

The format of the book is extremely user friendly and organized. The pictures display the plants beautifully in their natural state. I particularly appreciate that the author goes to great lengths to include a "How to Identify" section for each plant. It is also worthy to note that she provides beneficial information regarding the proper identification to avoid poisonous plants. I honestly never imagined all the plants she has covered in this book as being anything more than a weed!

Being a holistic health coach, I am very interested in natural remedies for common ailments. This book is far more than I expected in regards to the content. I would recommend this book to those interested in medicinal plants and holistic healing. There's a lot of information to be absorbed for the nature enthusiast. This book isn't for the weekend gardener!

marquis784 | Feb 15, 2020 |