Time Travel

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Just thought there may be others out there who love time travel fiction as much as I do.

Here are some I haven't nessecarily read but are on the subject. If you read any of them or others tell us what you think.

Kindred -Butler, Octavia
Devil in Velvet Carr,- John Dickson
Both Sides of Time -Cooney, Caroline B.
A Knight in Shining Armor - Deveraux, Jude
The House on the Strand - DuMaurier, Daphne
A Separate Season - Ellner, Paul
Shadows on the Aegean - Frank, Suzanne
Outlander - Gabaldon, Diana
Neverwhere- Gaimon, Neil
Running Out of Time - Haddix, Margaret Peterson
A Fold in the Tent in the Sky -Hale, Michael
Lightning -Koontz, Dean
Many Waters- L'Engle, Madeleine
The House on Hound Hill -Prince, Maggie
STR8 Bolt - Whitman, J. T.
To Say Nothing of the Dog- Willis, Connie
Time-Slip, Johannes von Buttlar
Timewarps,John Gribbin
Unveiling the Edge of Time John Gribbin
Time Travel, John W. Macvey

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When would YOU travel to?6 ungelesen / 6HelenaMacBeth, Mai 2009
just joined6 ungelesen / 6sqdancer, April 2008
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