Klassifikation der Library of Congress [LCC] (USA)U21.W388

Ausgewählte Werke (1,187 insgesamt)

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21st century(21) aggression(8) analysis(8) anthropology(72) anti-war(13) army(12) battle(12) battles(6) Canada(12) command(5) conflict(24) cultural criticism(7) cultural history(11) cultural studies(23) culture(76) current events(22) essay(24) ethics(245) Europe(22) European History(23) evolutionary psychology(10) feminism(56) future(10) futurology(5) game theory(8) gender(36) gender studies(19) General Military History(50) geopolitics(12) Germany(17) guns(6) history(1,047) History of Warfare(16) homicide(12) human behavior(6) human nature(5) humanity(8) hunting(9) Infantry(8) international(11) international politics(8) international relations(122) Iraq(14) journalism(39) killing(52) law(23) Leadership(24) martial arts(36) masculinity(9) media(12) memory(10) mental health(11) Middle East(18) militarism(19) military(772) military history(764) military strategy(37) Military Studies(21) Military Tactics(6) Military Theory(98) modern(11) modern history(11) morality(36) morals(6) nationalism(25) nonviolence(15) nuclear weapons(8) peace(128) policy(13) political philosophy(45) political science(148) political theory(55) political thought(7) politics(404) psychology(535) reference(44) religion(39) research(11) security(10) social criticism(6) social history(13) social justice(17) Social Philosophy(6) social psychology(7) social theory(7) society(37) sociology(196) soldier(6) soldiers(39) Strategic Studies(14) strategy(122) tactics(18) Theology(29) trauma(20) usa(55) veterans(16) Vietnam(21) violence(127) war(1,472) war history(12) War on Terror(5) War Theory(23) warfare(167) warrior(6) warriors(14) wars(9) weapons(21) women(57) women's history(11) women's studies(36)

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