Vorab-RezensentenCatharine H. Murray

LibraryThing Autoren-Seite

September 2018 Lieferung

Ablauf der Leseexemplar-Serie: September 24 um 06:00 pm EDT

This memoir—the first release on best-selling author Ann Hood’s Gracie Belle imprint—about the fathomless loss of a beloved child reveals how tragedy can transform us and make us more fully alive. Now You See the Sky is a memoir about love, marriage, motherhood, illness, and death. After college, Catharine H. Murray travels to a small town on the banks of the Mekong River in Thailand to work in a refugee camp and learn about life. There she gradually outgrows the shell of her American worldview, as her interior world begins to attune to this new one that moves with a slower rhythm and deeper calm than she ever imagined. Within a year, she falls in love with a local man and, two years later, marries him. Together, they have three sons. When their middle song is diagnosed with cancer at age five, the family moves from rural Thailand, to Seattle, to Bangkok, before they settle on a remote mountaintop to battle the disease as the child slips into a decline. Full of wisdom and honesty, Now You See the Sky allows the reader to witness the fathomless loss of a beloved child and learn how tragedy can transform us, expand our vision, and make us more fully alive. Now You See the Sky is the debut selection of Ann Hood’s new nonfiction imprint with Akashic, Gracie Belle. Modeled after her experience writing the best-selling memoir Comfort: A Journey Through Grief, and named after her daughter, Grace, Hood’s imprint reaffirms for authors and readers that none of us are alone in our journeys.
Biography & Memoir, Religion & Spirituality, Nonfiction
Angeboten von
Akashic Books (Verleger)
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