Vorab-RezensentenAndrea Wilson Woods

LibraryThing Autoren-Seite

April 2024 Lieferung

Ablauf der Leseexemplar-Serie: April 25 um 06:00 pm EDT

In her own words, this is the journal of Adrienne Wilson, a teenage artist, poet, and beloved sister.

Before her death from liver cancer at the age of fifteen, Adrienne expressed her funny, bright soul in this prolific journal. Her musings on life, relationships, music, love, and the beautiful grime of her adopted hometown of Los Angeles leap off the page; her deep sensitivity and perspective are captured in full-color prints of her award-winning artwork. Steeped in late-90s nostalgia, this artistic journey through a teenage girl’s eyes is moving, often hilarious, and unforgettable.

"So I have cancer, and what does that stop me from doing? Cancer gave me cheekbones and an excuse to wear a strawberry wig. I get to spend time with my family, which was really rare before this. All things positive and light have resulted from the tiny bulbs that have decided to live in my liver and lungs. I have regained my faith in the supernatural and even in human nature. I've gone from having no real friends to having an army of them. This entire process is healing everyone and everything it needs to. With every valley comes a mountain, lush and green."

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Biography & Memoir, Young Adult, Health & Wellness, Poetry, Teen, Nonfiction
Angeboten von
AndreaWW (Unabhängiger Publizist)
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