Vorab-RezensentenDaniel K. Seward

LibraryThing Autoren-Seite

April 2024 Lieferung

Ablauf der Leseexemplar-Serie: April 25 um 06:00 pm EDT

Reihen: The Sonya Saga (5)

This is a dark but exciting tale from the Sonya Saga. In this story, Sonya has many problems, not the least of which is her propensity to indulge in risky behavior.

Then there is her brother, George, who is a smarter, more conventional version of his sister. George is reluctant to go along with her let alone assist her. He only does so out of love and family obligation.

Then there is Jo Anne, Sonya’s cousin. Jo is not the brightest bulb of the family, but she is happy to drink with Sonya, she’s funny, and she tags along for the ride.

The three of them decide to take on the horse racing circuit, competing against the fastest horses in the country and meeting up with a host of shady and colorful characters along the way. But as the story progresses, Sonya begins to reap the results of her poor decisions. Until finally it all comes to a head, and she is no longer taking on minor racing events. She is taking on the world.

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Romance, Science Fiction, Suspense & Thriller
Angeboten von
DanielSeward (Autor)
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