Vorab-RezensentenArkady Fiedler

LibraryThing Autoren-Seite

August 2010 Lieferung

Ablauf der Leseexemplar-Serie: August 27 um 06:00 pm EDT

It was the Summer of 1940 and England stood alone, fighting for its life against the powerful German war machine during the darkest days of WWII. 303 Squadron is the thrilling, moment-by-moment account of the celebrated squadron of Polish fighter pilots whose superb sill in the air helped save England win the Battle of Britain. Lionized by the British press, congratulated by the King, adored by the British public -- especially the ladies -- the pilots of 303 Squadron are brought to life in this book, which vividly paints those harrowing days with a spine-tingling immediacy. This is an all-new translation of the classic war book by Fiedler, whose 32 books have been translated into 23 languages selling over 10 million copies.
Biography & Memoir, History, General Nonfiction, Nonfiction
Angeboten von
Aquila Polonica Publishing (Verleger)
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