Vorab-RezensentenLaura Wright

LibraryThing Autoren-Seite

September 2010 Lieferung

Ablauf der Leseexemplar-Serie: September 26 um 06:00 pm EDT

Reihen: Mark of the Vampire (Book 1)
Alexander Roman wants nothing to do with the controlling rulers of his vampire breed or the family he escaped from a hundred years ago. But as a new threat to the pureblood vampires emerges, Alexander’s ties to the past are forced upon him again, and without warning, he finds himself--disoriented, terrified, and near death--at the door of a stranger. Dr. Sara Donohue is dedicated to removing the traumatic memories of her patients--like those of the stranger at her front door. But what he tells her of his past is too astonishing to believe. Yet she has seen his flesh scarred by the sun and witnessed his inhuman strength. And never before has she felt so connected to a man.... But as their worlds collide, Sara and Alexander are bound by something even stronger, as one becomes hunter and the other prey...
Fantasy, Romance, Fiction and Literature
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