Vorab-RezensentenDaniel Roode

LibraryThing Autoren-Seite

March 2011 Lieferung

Ablauf der Leseexemplar-Serie: März 28 um 06:00 pm EDT

Daniel Roode (Author, Illustrator)
From good morning to good night, Little Bea spends the day buzzing through her neighborhood helping friends and having fun. This bright debut launches a new picture book character and a talented new author-artist. Bzzz, bzzz, bzzz! Little Bea scoots through a flowery field. Butterfly flutter, flutter, flutters by. Hoo-hoo-hooray, says Owl when Little Bea buzzes by his tree. Then she helps Beaver pick pears; helps Rabbit in the garden, pulling up carrots; and flies off hand-in-hand with Firefly. What a busy day for Little Bea! A simple, energetic text and colorful, expressive artwork introduce a lovable new picture book character. This story of friendship and helping out is just right for even the youngest preschool readers.
Children's Books, Picture Books, Fiction and Literature
Angeboten von
HarperCollins Childrens Books (Verleger)
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