Vorab-RezensentenMelvin S. Marsh

LibraryThing Autoren-Seite

November 2023 Lieferung

Ablauf der Leseexemplar-Serie: November 27 um 06:00 pm EST

Leaving Bacon Behind provides a comprehensive, easy-to-read guide for conversion that focuses on questions prospective Jews by Choice might have, including "Why should one convert to Judaism?" and "What happens after the conversion?"

This book is a direct result of the questions the author fielded during his time as a moderator in one of the largest Jewish-by-Choice internet communities and his own personal experience as a disabled transsexual Jew by Choice. This includes content discussed in Judaism conversion classes and live courses, as well as questions, comments, and feedback from prospective and successful Jews by Choice. No other book on Jewish conversion has incorporated widescale, peer-reviewed feedback from the target community.

As the author does not fit the stereotype of an able-bodied, middle-class, white heterosexual female converting for marriage, this book includes a section of additional considerations for converting on a budget, if one is LGBT, disabled, or non-white, if one is already married to a non-Jew, or if one already has children.

Leaving Bacon Behind is sure to be a must-read conversion classic.

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Religion & Spirituality, Nonfiction
Angeboten von
melsmarsh (Autor)
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