Vorab-RezensentenChris Karlsen

LibraryThing Autoren-Seite

March 2015 Lieferung

Ablauf der Leseexemplar-Serie: März 30 um 06:00 pm EDT

Reihen: Bloodstone (1)
Format is eBook. It is the time of Jack the Ripper, the widowed Queen Victoria sits on the throne of England. The whole of London is on edge wondering when or where Jack will kill next. The Palace, Parliament, and the press are demanding the police do more to find him. In another part of London, rough-around-the-edges war hero, Metropolitan Detective Inspector Rudyard Bloodstone has his own serial killer to find. Inter departmental rivalries, politics, and little evidence to go on hamper the investigation at every turn. In a battle of wills, Bloodstone presses forward following his instincts in spite of the obstacles. Adding to those problems, away from the strains of the investigation, he is engaged in the ups and downs of a new relationship with a lovely hat maker.
Fiction and Literature
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