Vorab-RezensentenVictoria Pinder

LibraryThing Autoren-Seite

Legacy Member Leseexemplar Lieferung

Ablauf der Leseexemplar-Serie: März 25, 2015 um 11:05 am EDT

A hundred years from now, Earth has trading partners with alien beings, mostly humanoid. However, going into space has brought forth an unknown enemy who attacks Earth at will. The Zoastra are part of the Earthseekers, an organization originally designed to go into space. Its new mission is to find Earth’s enemies. Ariel, stuck on a Victorian planet, steals Grace’s body in order to get off the planet. Now Grace must get her body back before Ariel bonds with Grace’s husband, Peter. Then there is Cross, the man on a mission to find those who killed his family. Ariel is attracted to Cross, but she’s stolen someone’s life. What can she do?
Romance, Science Fiction, Fiction and Literature
Angeboten von
VictoriaPinder (Autor)
Informationen zum BuchLibraryThing Werk-Seite
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July 2014 Lieferung

Ablauf der Leseexemplar-Serie: Juli 28 um 06:00 pm EDT

This is an ebook. The winner will receive a coupon to download the book directly from our website. Penny moves back to Miami to start her a job with a list of things to accomplish. 1. Find a place to live. 2. Avoid her gold-digging mother. 3. Reconnect with old high school friends: her best friend Sandra, the dramatic Eva, the dark Michael, her half-brother Wyatt, and her former crush Jay. Jay may have kept her firmly in the “friend zone”, but that didn’t stop her from wanting more. Her five friends have stood by her through some difficult times and she’ll need their help now to accomplish her first two goals. As soon as Jay sees Penny, he puts his plan into motion. His investors need to see him with a stable woman, one who isn’t all flash and no brains; Penny fits the bill perfectly. There’s just one hitch—he wants more. Their pretend date sets off a whirlwind of plots. From mothers who want to control their children’s lives to the loss of her exciting new job, Penny’s world turns upside down. She knows she can overcome all obstacles except one—she’s falling for Jay all over again.
Romance, Fiction and Literature
Angeboten von
Jupiter Gardens Press (Verleger)
Informationen zum BuchLibraryThing Werk-Seite
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