
abuse (1), It is about a boy how is relly into sports and he is doing a school paper on football and he see this guy whith a good arm but he lied to the coach and said he couldent trow so him and his pratner is triying to find out why he lied. (1), Harrison's life is hard having to live on a farm with a foster family who treats him badly.He gets beats when he doesn't do his chores right.But then something bad happens and he is sent to a new home.His life changes for the best.He meets a girl and make (1), a girl who has to leave her home because people come in and makes her ride this crowed train and she cant find her dad but her mom is with her. she also meets a boy. JLk (1), If I Stay is about a girl and her parents and teenage daughter named Mia and her little brother named Teddy and they were going to go visit their family when their was snow on the ground and as they were on their way they ran off the road and they had a c (1), a girl who is trying to find answers about her parents after years of living at a foster care. She always stood out because of her unique hair and eyes. She goes to a city to find these answers but finds things she cant believe. DLC (1), A young girl is living on a island with her family. soon someone comes and asked if the can hunt on their island. they let them. Then things turn bad.Her tribe soon wants to leave the island and they do but her brother doesn't so she stays on the island w (1), I liked island of the blue dolphins but their was some good parts but i was shocked when Ramo got killed by the wolves. Karana found him dead with teeth marks in his neck. Also when the ship sank. The one that Karanas sister went on the ship. Another part (1), Harry Potter has the worst life imaginable. He's cousin (1), This boy in high school has been through a lot in his life. His name Michael Vey... When he finally meets this girl he likes everything changes for him his best friend and Taylor. Michael is going through a lot to be with Taylor again... Read More to Find (1), Dudley gets everything he wants and all Harry get is Dudley's clothes. On Dudley's birthday he gets too many presents. But one day on Harry's eleventh birthday he finds out an amazing thing. He's a wizard. Not just any wizard. He's the boy who lived. He f (1), A young girl named Karana is from a big family. She lives with her family on a island with lots of friends with her. But soon that would all change. Now because of this herself and her brother has to survive on the island with only the resources they can (1), This book is about a family consisting of an old dog (1), a mother cat (1), and two kittens. With their abusive owner (1), it is hard to stay alive and find food. A tragic event takes place that separates the family. Bonded by love (1), they will do whatever the can to find one another again. This book is filled with magic (1), Mia has been through a lot since her accident. She thinking about something really hard for her... Will stay or not ?... DB (1), this book is about a girl who interviews her grand mother who is a survivor of the holocaust and it's by a true story. LJ (1), grief (1), There is a girl who has a eating disorder (1), Ari (1), happiness (1), Eighth grader Jeffrey has been through a lot in his life (1), including cancer. After his treatment (1), his legs stopped working properly and his beautiful blonde hair turned to a mousy brown. He's a little awkward... until he meets a girl. He also has a brutally honest (1), bossy best friend named Tad. BLOCK 1 (1), There is a girl named Beatrice who lives in a world where people are grouped off to factions (groups) when they reach a certain age. When she took a test to determine her faction (1), Daniel was never normal her was different.-- He has no parents and her as some powers . ---- He is a monster hunter and he has some problems. GIRL PROBLEMS! He is on the quest to finish the list and save everyone on earth.-- His friends or her to help. W. (1), she had two possibilities which was considered Divergent (1), A young boy name Dave has been beaten in his life by his mother. Dave is going to tell you a horrible (1), but that was very rare..... She choose one faction and is trying to survive with the conditions. She meets a guy who helps her through all of it. She is fighting for her life against everyone who are finding out about her being Divergent.. ALH (1), sad story about his life when he was a kid. R.R. (1), Ben the main characters mother has just died and he lives with his aunt and uncle now. He has never met his father then he finds clues in his old house that lead him to New York to find his father instead he finds someone way different if you want to know (1), and she doesn't really like to eat. she takes a class about it with other girls that have problems. But she takes this class until the end of the book. The girls expose their feelings to one another and have journals they write in (1), and everywhere she ate dinner she would make herself throw up.... MBT (1), and an amazing writing style. This book is a great read. -AM (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Mar 25, 2014

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