
Rhyming (5), Dialogue (4), Fiction. Poems (2), Fiction-Big Book. Rhyming (2), Descriptions (2), sight words (2), Fiction. Rhyming. (2), he just wanted a cup of sugar. (1), and how she learned sign language and communicates with others. (1), Non-fiction. Explains the water cycle and how water gets cleaned. (1), Non-fiction. Explains the process of someone becoming a president (1), tells the stroy of Belva Lockwood's desire to be president and make a difference. (1), rhyming (dove in love). (1), Non-fiction. Explains racism (1), tells the story of Ruby and how she went to an all white school (1), and was bullied for it. (1), Non-fiction. Tells Koko's story (1), Fiction. Hilarious fairy tales that have been slightly changed to be funny. (1), but the wolf didn't reaaly want to eat the pigs (1), Fiction. ABC (1), Fiction. Just like the Boy Who Cried Wolf (1), teaches the kids about lying. (1), A funny twist to Sleeping Beauty. (1), Fiction. A cute western (1), twist to Cinderella. (1), Fiction. The three little pigs and the big (1), Fiction. ABC Book. Creative way of showing how the beginning of words can be changes to make another word. (1), the different types of jeans over the years. (1), friendship (1), Non-fiction. Explains how jeans are made (1), and they bcome friends (1), Fiction. Wordless book. Each picture keeps showing the image a little farther zoomed out than the previous image (1), it allows for one to guess what the next image will be (1), Fiction. Wordless book. A boy and a dog are trying to catch a frog (1), but it keeps escaping (1), they give (1), and the frog gets lonely (1), so it follows them home (1), Fiction. Wordless book. This book does have a few words. It shows what time it is at night as animals start to fly around the world (1), Fiction. Wordless book. Owly nurses a worm back to health (1), then they find new hummingbird friends (1), how they live and eat. (1), great use of imagination by telling the story on your own (1), Play-Reader's Theater. Allows children to work together to accomplish a book (1), can be memorized and acted out (1), shows children that they don't have to constantly be sitting in front of the TV (1), Fiction-Read aloud. Bullying (1), coming out of your comfort zone (1), Fiction-Read Aloud. Using your imagination (1), students can read aloud most of it. (1), students can predict words based on its rhyming partner and giving them what the word starts with. (1), teaches goos friendships.relationships. (1), Non-fiction. Differences between African and Asian elephants (1), and what people dream for/about. (1), shows how colors coordinate with age (1), even when it's a long time from now. (1), Informational. Many different species. New discoveries. (1), Informational. Explains a turtles life cycle. (1), Informational. Tells about strange/weird species. (1), Play. Talks about stealing (1), but doesn't tell consequences. (1), and helps them think about how to handle it. (1), Fiction. Shows a child's real emotions and thought (1), Fiction. Shows sequencing. (1), Fiction. Your action will always affect those around you (1), Fiction. Trust in others (1), Informational. Teaches prey vs. predator. Ancestors. (1), be patient (1), be smart about your actions and choices. (1), Fiction. Predicting and inferring what these animals will do. (1), Fiction. Tricking others (1), being sneaky. Be smart about your actions. (1), Fiction. Tricking others. Thinking about others instead of yourself. (1), Fiction. Tricking others. Helping animals. (1), Non-fiction. What will help a plant's nutrient? How can we grow our own garden? (1), Realistic fiction. What can affect a seeds growth? (1), Realistic fiction. Start with a seed (1), Informational. (1), Graphica. After Captain America. (1), and the different stages of age (1), for older kids. (1), Fiction. Wordless book. A book gets passed around amongst friends (1), Fiction. Poems. (1), Poetry. Well-known and unknown poems (1), different lengths and topics. (1), Poetry. Weird (1), "out there" poems. (1), Poetry. Sci-fi (1), interesting for all. (1), Poetry. Writings by Edgar Allen Poe (1), Poetry. I loved this book! The poems were great (1), Graphica. Learn a lesson about being content. (1), and there were so many different types that it could be used for children with different interests! (1), Poetry. It wrote the poems in large print (1), and with certain words in differetn color or font (1), which draws students in that are struggling with poetry. (1), Poetry. Collective nouns. Ruth Heller's books are very engaging for young kids (1), and teach them many valuable lessons. (1), Poetry. Adjectives. (1), Poetry. Nouns. (1), Poetry. Pronouns. (1), Memoir. Little siblings look up to older siblings. (1), and it keeps bringing happiness to each person (1), Fiction. Wordless book. Coming to a foreign land (1), Fiction. Wordless book. This show what it looks like on both side of someone looking at another person (1), protecting friends (1), Understanding (1), Lying (1), Being Yourself (1), Making Friends (1), bad wolf (1), olden times (1), Being Bossy (1), Library Etiquette (1), Surroundings (1), Sister and Brother Bear and Bully (1), Reporting (1), Detailed Descriptions (1), Doing your Part (1), Listening to the Teacher (1), Standing Up for What You Believe In (1), Ruthie and Martin (1), Kepping Secrets Can Eat You Up Inside (1), "Just Kidding" (1), Repeating Words for Emphasis (1), Haiku Poems (1), Describing Your Senses (1), Stealing (1), Bullying (1), Thinking Out of the Box (1), Memoir. (1), Fiction. (1), illustrations (1), Fighting (1), imagination (1), etc. (1), dialogue (1), comparison (1), repetition (1), Poetry. (1), standing up for yourself (1), Sharing (1), Retaliation (1), understanding others (1), Hyperbole (1), Multiple Stories (1), Helping Others (1), Being Helpful (1), Fiction (1), Comedy (1), Colors (1), Fear (1), Repeating For Emphasis (1), Repeating for Emphasis (1), Fiction. Wordless book. The lion almost eats the mouse (1), fluency- reading aloud (1), Fiction. Accepting your situation (1), using your imagiantion (1), Fiction. Being clever to avoid bad situations (1), Fiction. Branching out (1), Fiction. You can be a leader (1), Fiction. Word bubbles-dialogue (1), font size-yelling (1), whipsering (1), facial expressions-illustrations show emotions (1), Poetry.Repetition (1), but his friends don't accept him (1), celebrating darker skin tones (1), Fiction. Rhyming (1), Fiction. Shows opposites (1), Fiction. Dialogue (1), pictures can be used when needed for understanding (1), Fiction. Chapter book (1), and when he gets trapped (1), the mouse and his friends help him excape (1), showing kindness when meeting people (1), dragons (1), they judge him (1), Fiction. Cornelius wants to be himself (1), Taking Care of Your Friends (1), Fiction. Being Greedy (1), Fiction. Sister Bear and Lizzy (1), Fiction. George (1), Fiction. Snow Days (1), Fiction. Grover (1), Fiction. Lili and Cassidy (1), Fiction. Twins that Do Things Different (1), Fiction. Pierre and Catherine (1), Fiction. New York Subway (1), Fiction. D.J. and Vince (1), Fiction. Tess (1), but they do accept him when they're gone (1), Fiction. Won Ton (Haiku) (1), Fiction. Why Animals were Designed Certain Ways (1), Fiction. You Can Be Whatever You Want When You Grow Up (1), Fiction. Five Senses (1), Fiction. African Hat Maker and Seller (1), Fiction. Edna (1), Fiction. Amos and his Animal Friends (1), Fiction. Frederick is an observer that helps his friends. (1), Fiction. Tico gets wings in order to help others (1), his friends don't accept his gold wings (1), and watch how it ends with a seed. (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Feb 6, 2012