
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Jul 1, 2015
Bürgerlicher Name
Ginger Segreti
Über meine Bibliothek
My reading interests focus on human behavior and intelligent writing. I enjoy a good story that requires me to look up at least a few words. I want to stretch myself in both idea, perception and knowledge.
Über mich
I am an indie author who recently published a short erotica novella on Amazon and an erotic short through Excessica, available with Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo etc. I have a longer novella due out the end of summer with Excessica and I am under contract for another short novella with Cobblestone.

I was the professional good girl, career woman before relinquishing my briefcase. My background is all things business, while my current endeavors build on creativity. I am developing a brand integrating erotica, self-exploration/narrative and technology, with the goal that all three focus areas complement and overlap creating an oasis for the senses.

I am working at the intersection of technology and sex, building a sex positive experience through erotica, dream weaving and observations. Looking forward to pushing your boundaries and limits on the journey to be @DesireBound.
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GingerSegreti hat hinzugefügt, bewertet und rezensiert
GingerSegreti hat folgendes rezensiert, bewertet und hinzugefügt
GingerSegreti hat folgendes rezensiert, bewertet und hinzugefügt
GingerSegreti hat folgendes rezensiert, bewertet und hinzugefügt