
series (9), dresden (9), hellmouthy (9)
Sep 17, 2018
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Über meine Bibliothek
When I was in my teens and 20s, it was mostly romance novels and horror. I read A LOT of Stephen King and Johanna Lindsey - though I also read quite a bit of Terry Brooks, and especially loved the Word and Void series. And, of course, the entire Hitchhiker's Guide series is high on my list of re-readables. In later years it was sometimes obvious stuff, sometimes less; Harry Potter, Lemony Snicket, Twilight, Anne Rice's Vampire chronicles and Sleeping Beauty saga, etc. But I also go back and reread all of Shakespeare's comedies every so often. And I'm impatiently awaiting the next Dresden Files book.

My list of recent Audible purchases now though, is almost entirely non-fiction. Girl Logic by Iliza Schlesinger, Astrophysics for People in a Hurry by Neil DeGrasse Tyson, The Awkward Thoughts of W. Kamau Bell, etc.

And when I'm not listening to those kinds of books, I'm mostly listening to the Standard Issue Podzine.
Über mich
Was a voracious reader of novels from the age of 6 into my 30's. Then degenerating eye-sight and my ADHD no longer being controlled with caffeine and nicotine (gave up both more than a decade ago), made it harder to read paper books. So now I mostly listen to audiobooks, and overall 'read' a lot fewer books than I used to. When I was working at an airport and had nothing to do between flights, I'd read 5-7 paperbacks a week.

I also tend to listen to more non-fiction books, especially by comedians and comic writers/performers. My most recent fave was John Cleese's "So, Anyway..." And I'm about to start the Robin Williams biography, "Robin."

In my overall life, I have recently returned to college after a 21 year 'delay' due to family obligations. I am focusing as much time and attention as I can on that. Though that's when I realized how hard reading paper books has really gotten - so now I'm getting all my school books in electronic format.
Quad Cities, IL
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