
Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Jun 6, 2009
Bürgerlicher Name
Über mich
Life is a journey in which we tread each and everyday. Enjoy it to its fullest and appericate all its being through natures glory. Each day I am on a different mission in this life. Come join me! Take my hand lets walk down this path together, side by side. Feel the wind kiss your cheek. Hear a little birdy singing a sweet melody. Watch with your own eyes in glory the wonders of your own back yard. You will be truely amazed ! * Now listen to your own HEART and where it wants to take you *

I am LadyRavens...I am very well laid back and live with natures glory shinning around me.
I Love to go Walking with Nature and all her beings, studying and sharing my beliefs with others, burning candles while enjoying the sounds of Celtic music and dreaming off into another time and deminsion ! Sitting quietly writing poetry for others to read and touch there souls.

*Pats the seat next to hers....come sit a spell withs me and share the devine * To Share a Dream is all in believeing in ones own reality in this life no matter where we sit ! * Dreams go on forever, They do not fade away and die, or shall they ever lie to us. Go on Dreaming my Friend, and never let go of ones Dreams.

Outside of Pittsburgh, Pa