
Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Sep 11, 2011
Bürgerlicher Name
PennyAnn Lupton
Über meine Bibliothek
I love Paranormal and Urban Fantasy, and I especially love Paranormal books with a female character that can kick-a**. I have been reading books about vampires, witches, werewolves, and anything else that goes bump-in-the-night since Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles and Mayfair Witches. I am a habitual reader and usually read a book every day. My favorite authors right now are Jeaniene Frost, J.R. Ward, Kerrelyn Sparks, Karen Marie Moning, Lyndsay Sands, Tina Folsom, and Stephanie Meyer.
Über mich
Ever since I can remember I’ve had an addiction to books, and from the moment I picked up my first Anne Rice novel, I was hooked on the paranormal. The compelling lure of the paranormal world is irresistible. It is a world where anything and everything is possible, and the boundaries of humanity need not apply. A world in which life spans are measured by centuries and millennia, rather than decades, and a woman can possess inhuman strengths and kick major ass, yet still retain her innate femininity.

Why Vampires? They are the ultimate bad boys.
Women love a dangerous man, and what could be more dangerous than a vampire. Vampires embody everything we crave about the stereotypical bad boy. They exude confidence and sensuality. They are exciting, mysterious, and the epitome of masculine perfection—strong, youthful, and indescribably gorgeous. What’s not to love?


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