
non-fiction (12), fiction (7), history (5), dog (3), biography (3), cancer (3), Non-fiction (3), novel (3), US Supreme Court (2), WWII (2), Biography (2), Kindle (2), American history (2), Politics (2), collaboration (2), survival (2), family (2), son (2), love (2), historical fiction (2), autobiography (2), although the first 90 or so pp she talks about her loss to Obama. (1), FastForWord (for language impaired and learning disabled children) (1), not a page turner (1), log of events while Sec of State (1), memoir only of Sec of State years (1), Posit Science web site (1), aging brain needs new skills (learn a new language!). Buy this book for family members! (1), Ezra goes from being a tennis jock to a nerd. Cassidy Thorpe's (Ezra's girlfriend) brother responsible for the car accident which left Ezra on crutches. (1), don't sit. Get up 32x/day. Important to move body! Fitness (1), Senator from MA (won Ted Kennedy's seat) (1), health. Non-fiction. (1), I couldn't finish the book. I enjoyed chapter on Benghazi the most (1), pcs. Ada Lovelace (1), art thefts around the world: Isabella Stuart Gardner (1), 636 houses. Meterologist/doctor Isaac Kline deals with constant weather predicting politics. His superiors ignored the Cuban forecasts. Well researched (1), then why temper their bloodthirsty?" Book tells of the highly secret code-breaking Room 40 (1), to act with impunity. If killing massive numbers of American citizens didn't bring down the hammer (1), particularly in the Navy (1), isolationist caution at all levels of the U.S. (including the Wilson White House) kept the country out for another two years. This reticence may have led German warmongers (1), with its thousand plus civilian casualties led immediately to the U.S. intervention in WWI. To the contrary (1), "a leading misconception is that the sinking of the Cunard liner (1), Category 4 hurricane remains worse US weather disaster. The cat 4 hurricane kille 6-8000.. It destroyed 2 (1), FBI politics (1), Sept 8 (1), diamond protects "owner" (1), father carved houses of city so daughter could navigate (1), large diamond + 3 copies (1), fast-moving short chapters (1), SUPERB DESCRIPTIVE WRITING (1), FBI undercover art agent (1), work w Timothy Geithner (1), if not the best (1), work on Dodd-Frank bill (1), recommended by LWM's book group (1), Incredibly talented descriptions & use of vocabulary. Superior writing style. Not a particularly pleasant story. (1), Historical fiction. Adventure. Romance. Set in Bolshevik period right before Russian Revolution and the killing of Tsar's family. Gliimpse into v rich and v poor. Ends w escape from Petrograd (St. Petersbury name from '14 - '24. Then Leninggrad.) Page tur (1), Historical fiction. Alzheimers. Paintings in the Hermitage. Title of book refers to the many Madonna paintings in the Hermitage. Siege of Leningrad by the Germans ~1941. I should have Googled the paintings while main character (1), is describing them in the book. I particularly liked the way the author flashed chapters back & forth between present day and Marina's Hermitage days. Love story. (1), Balkans fiction wierd DeathlessMan civil war grandfather/granddaughter doctors death (1), COURAGE hope cancer lymphoma (1), novel (poorly written) (1), well written but v academic--too many details that at times get boring. Teddy Roosevelt's life before politics begin in earnest. V close to father & sister; 2 marriages w 5 kids (1 kid by 1st marriage); asthmatic; loved far west & S (?) Dakota. Brother El (1), father of Eleanor Roosevelt committed suicide in his 30's (?). She (1), a Roosevelt (1), married cousin (1), Franklin Delano Roosevelt. (1), hard to put book down (1), unpleasant subjects (1), Olympian runner (1), concern with middle Americans (1), reception of classical culture (1), how to support/appreciate a husband who makes less money (1), Katherine mistress (1), Gordon Finch friend & Dean (1), Hollis Lomax enemy.Set between WW I and mid 1950's. (1), "Poggio (1), " atheism (1), no life after death (1), Pulitzer Prize non-fiction 2012 winner; one of the best (1), U20 submarine that sank Lusitania. It doesn't discover why Lusitania was never given destroyer protection (1), written books I've read. Goldblatt's turn of phrase is amazing. I re-read phrases & paragraphs in admiration of his writing. (1), autobiography: childhood in Oklahoma (1), 2 marriages (1), Harvard U prof (1), Turner Lusitania captain (1), but still loves to hunt with Mabel. New Yorker & NYT gave book good review--but it's not my kind of book--nor did I think it was as wonderfully well-written as the reviews seemed to indicate. (1), altho it hints that protection was never given so if the Lusitania were torpedoed (1), I found Night Circus boring and poorly written. It's a fantasy about dreams. Celia & Marco's romance altho they are each other's magical antagonist. (Recommended by Jane Hammond) (1), more. (1), Gentleman in Moscow (1), Conde Nast. From lower East Side to wealthy society. BRILLIANT writer altho I enjoyed the story line in his 2nd book (1), Mason Tate (1), Wallace (& rifles) romance (1), Towels 1st book. Brilliant writer. Historical fiction. 1938-1960? NY Society. Several Russian references. Portraits of Katey Content (key heroine & huge book reader). Evey & Tinker Grey. Tinker and Katey & Anne Grandyn (1), grey circus only offers shows at night that are orchestrated by Celia. After finishing A Gentleman in Moscow (1), signs of impending mortality (1), Count Alexander Rostov becomes head waiter in fancy hotel restaurant for ~20 years (1), Count/comrade becomes a spy for British (1), Life after the tsars; Stalin period then introduced to Krushchev via a dining table seating (1), incredible BRILLIANT descriptions (1), a waiter in dining room fabulous writing (1), friends=seamstress (1), critically important book for the aging (1), historical fiction. Mary Sutter's attempts to do more than midwifery. At the beginning of the civil she leaves her home (1), Nina's daughter Sophia (1), worked at French consulate (1), donation ideas & places (1), are geniuses. ...How D/C electricity becomes the standard over A/C (Powerful & true description electrifying animals with D/C and later a man in the electric chair. (1), Tesla. Gravath is Westinghouse's lawyer. All (1), Historical novel. Rivalry between Edison (1), Shows why the writing in the New Yorker is some of the best anywhere. (1), & later brought some of the maltreated Polish women to the US for medical treatment. The 3rd woman was a Polish teenager who works as a courier for the underground resistance movement. A difficult book to read because of the subject. Non fiction. (1), a NY socialite (1), mother & twin sister (1), a young ambitious German doctor performed unethical medical "research." Another woman (1), Ravensbtück German concentration camp for women. Most of the women were Polish. The story of three women: one of whom (1), keep focused on other things besides son's illness (1), Ripping Yarns is a confusing name for a bookstore. Light (1), at the end of the book she finds her mentor and true love. (1), to try to become a doctor and surgeon. After many amputations (and much later acceptance at a college) she succeeds under horrific conditions for everyone. She is an ultra-strong woman and 2 MDs are in love with her. After missing him for 5 years (1), daughter Nina (1), house (Metropol hotel) arrest (1), but not well written. Non-fiction. (1), Scout stays in the South at end of book--hopefully she can help change the Alabama culture; her father is a racist. Disappointed in book--all the hype was not deserved. (1), but it gets interesting with the inventions around the 1875 period. LOt of politics--Boss Tweed... Bridge finished in 1803.. Book lent by Jane Hammond (1), Connection between Brooklyn & NYC. Slow read; too much detail. Writing not that good. I skimmed a lot of passages (1), but saves no one else; Werner discovers French blind girl who transmits Jules Verne by braille reading & also transmits classical music. 2014 Pulitzer Prize for fiction; Nat'l Book Award. One of the best books I've ever read. (1), Tolkachev (1), sister's becomes Buddha's spiritual wife & has a daughter by him. They open a center in Otto & her parents' farm in ND. (1), Lots of multiple-religions philosophies Fiction. Meditation. Road trip from NJ to N Dakota. Otto (1), Southern prejudices (1), Short stories. Good writing (1), domineering husband (1), author realizes that humans and goshawks are different (1), to cope with the sudden death of her father. Author helps Mabel kill rabbits by breaking their necks and pulling off legs for Mabel to eat. At end (1), Mabel goshawk (1), horrible book; author trains a killer falcon (1), Woodrow Wilson might finally decide to enter the war. Very researched book. Good read. Non fiction. (1), my fitness coach. (1), but no recollections of stories because nothing moved me. D really liked it & sent a copy to L. (1), black tape bought by daughter (1), is Cat's husband (1), love story wife killed in plane crash (1), his friend severely wounded (1), marijuana pilot murdered (1), marijuana cartel (1), 2016 American South Appalachia memoir class culture economic conditions family hillbilly Kentucky non-fiction Ohio politics poverty rural social class (1), Dan's mistress.Triplets parents divorce & re-marriage...etc. (1), Gemma's husband's sister (1), mother-son emails between Gloria Vanderbilt & Anderson Cooper. (1), commmitment (1), Cat & Gemma Kettle (1), Australia triplets (1), Caroline Ferriday (1), meningitus (1), 6-7 day coma (1), angel=sister (1), last Christmas (1), North end (1), in their own way (1), Mark Antony (1), cooking (1), innovation (1), Information (1), Julius Caesar (1), mothers and daughters (1), 1900 (1), 1919 (1), history of ideas (1), gravity (1), the mind (1), family love (1), Amherst College (1), Lusitania (1), chef (1), short stories (1), adoption (1), bankruptcy (1), dimentia (1), Hurricane Katrina (1), brain cancer (1), neurologist (1), well researched (1), Katharine (1), home organization (1), O'Connor (1), Bill Gates (1), bright (1), the internet (1), Epicureanism (1), science vs religion (1), midwifery (1), Soviet Union (1), Afghanistan (1), near-death experience (1), materialism (1), young (1), strength (1), cars (1), France (1), Bible (1), Rome (1), teaching (1), espionage (1), politics (1), courage (1), suicide (1), New England (1), dysfunctional family (1), father (1), modernity (1), North Carolina (1), medicine (1), intelligence (1), queen (1), afterlife (1), found (1), ancient world (1), librarian (1), Jewish (1), tragic (1), invention (1), columbian author (1), purging (1), powerful (1), daughter (1), genius (1), Westinghouse (1), stretch (1), north korea non-fiction escapes (1), Marina (1), stand (1), History (1), Nazi (1), Europe (1), Germany (1), Maya (1), Internet (1), Russian revolution (1), Black (1), French Resistance (1), Aviation (1), Decisions (1), Lucretius (1), Angela (1), funds (1), amusing read (1), main character (1), dana farber boston (1), culture Indian mother daughter chick book (1), miscarrige (1), preacher father (1), aging brain (1), Vanguard index (1), excellent writing (1), family support (1), Boston Molasses Flood (1), blames (1), Justifications (1), catergorizing (1), current trends (1), e-coli (1), in fact (1), Ohio (1), Bill of Rights (1), bartender (1), reception history (1), St. Malo (1), Orville (1), bone marrow transplant (1), Lyn (1), retirement communities (1), Kitty Hawk (1), Steve Jobs (1), Wilbur (1), neuroplasticity (1), blind girl (1), FEMA (1), teen book (1), autistic savant (1), atomism (1), adult children (1), never give up (1), adultery (1), apd (1), the Renaissance (1), early modern history (1), civil war (1), history of philosophy (1), CIA (1), hope (1), move (1), white (1), disturbing (1), courtroom (1), Moscow (1), order (1), courtroom drama (1), saving only truly-loved items (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Jan 12, 2008

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