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- Alle Sammlungen (2,641), McKenna's Library (2,641), McKenna Interviewed (1), McKenna as Author or Contributor (26), Books McKenna Blurbed (23)
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- Feb 22, 2013
- Bürgerlicher Name
- Terence Kemp McKenna
- Über meine Bibliothek
- 6 February 2017 As of today, all books have been entered. Except for a bit of cleanup and doublechecking, this Legacy Libraries project is complete.
Terence's personal library was destroyed, twice, by fire, ( but there are lists of the books he owned from which this library is compiled.
Catalogers have no personal relationship to McKenna, and cannot respond to questions about his literary estate, family or philosophies. Terence’s ideas are free, but his words and works belong to his children and legal heirs. People who wish to use Terence’s words must seek permission through Lux Natura:
Comments accepted, but responses may be slow in coming.
The great majority of books are listed in the edition found in McKenna's library, if known, but not all are, simply for the convenience of the catalogers. In addition, the fact of McKenna's having owned more than one edition is not always noted. Should the precise edition of a book be of great scholarly interest, please ask in a comment. Not a member? LibraryThing is free up to 200 books. - Über mich
- Terence Kemp McKenna (November 16, 1946 – April 3, 2000) was an American ethnobotanist, philosopher, psychonaut, researcher, teacher, lecturer, and writer on many subjects, such as human consciousness, language, psychedelic substances, the evolution of civilizations, the origin and end of the universe, alchemy, and extraterrestrial beings. (from:
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In celebration of the Stuart Davis centennial retrospective at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Earl Davis and the Jazz Foundation of America present The fine art of jazz : a concert dedicated to the music of Earl Hines, Art Tatum and the golden age of jazz piano : featuring piano masters Dick Hyman, George Shearing ... Dorothy Donegan ... : Thursday, November 21, 1991 ... Town Hall ... New York City von Earl Davis
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