
I would use this book to show my kids how teachers can have an impact on their life and have them write a thank you letter to a former teacher. (1), When discussing plays this book would be a good start to show the children how plays really are. (1), Great to read and discuss the difference between people in the US and other countries. (1), Great to read to the kids then discuss different things about multicultural. (1), I would use this to have the children read if they ever are in bad moods. (1), I would have the kids read with a partner then tell one another what they like about themselves. (1), This book would be one that i would share for being my favorite kids book. I would have the whole class share. (1), A great fiction book of how the presidents daughter lives in the white house. Great lesson to teach children how the first daughter might really live within the white house. (1), Great book to read about showing students about the five w's who what when where why? (1), A book to help show that people adopt and bring in new members who may be from a different part of the world and it will help kids have more of an understanding. (1), A book i could use to show how not all places are like america and i can show how different cultures live differently. (1), Book to use in class to have children use their hands to feel what is going on in the book (1), Book about a dog that children would like to read in read aloud in class. (1), Great non-fiction to read when teaching children about animals in the ocean. (1), Great children book to read about the scientific woods that our on the east coast. (1), Good book to read about math during lesson covering mathematics. (1), When going over fiction books this could be a book to read to the class about the difference of fiction and non. (1), Good to read when talking about different colors and how everyone is the same and no different. (1), Book about different colored grandmas who are the same and very loving. This would be good to read when discussing multicultural. (1), Great book to read during halloween that gives great adjectives. (1), Non-fiction. Great chance to give the students a deeper look of whats inside them. (1), A great chance for children to read a riddle and talk about it as a class to figure it our. fiction (1), When we are talking about a time period that he is in it will be a good book to use. Non-fiction (1), Gives a chance to get a deeper look of what thanksgiving is. Good book to read when this time comes around. Non fiction (1), Kids are really into this kind of thing and would really spark their interest. fiction (1), When going over why things happen in science this would be fun for kids to know why it rains. (1), Decent read about the history of african americans. non-fiction (1), When discussing this time in history this would be a good book to read to them so they understand a little more about it. Non-fiction (1), Great to show kids how if you work as a team great things can be accomplished. (1), When discussing science fairs and what it entails this would be a good book to go over. Fiction (1), Book to teach about bullying and how no one likes them. A great fiction book. (1), Did this book as a read aloud and children really enjoyed it so would be another great book to do in my classroom for the same thing. Fiction (1), We did this book as a read aloud and all the kids were very interested and i feel as if i could do the same in my classroom. Fiction (1), Good chapter book to do in classroom discussion with the entire class. Fiction (1), When discussing dramas in class this would be a good book to read that is a fiction book. (1), When teaching children poetry this would be a good book to read to them. (1), Good book to read when discussion to not take everything literally. (1), Good book to read when discussing fiction and showing them why it is that genre. (1), I would use this book to show my students how if you have just a few things in life they can go so far in life. (1), I would show how you can have very little but can make the most out of that one thing. (1), Another good color book to use in groups to have them create their own. (1), Show how we all have friends in one aspect or another. (1), I can have the kids read in a group then pull out information they enjoyed. (1), Good read aloud book to show how color is a good way of explaining things. I could have my own kids make a color creation like in these books. (1), Great for little kid to read to one another. With all the different colors throughout. (1), Great read to the kids. They enjoyed it from cover to cover very good read aloud book. (1), I would use this book to show how things aren't always great in life. It would be more of a life lesson kind of day. (1), To show kids about how color is in everyday life and animals can change colors. (1), I would use this to show how a book always has good and bad events and where the climax would be. (1), When going over non fiction this would be a good one to read to the students. (1), One of my favorite books of all time. I would definitely use this for a read aloud at the beginning of the year. (1), When we go over ABC's this book would be a great one to read aloud. (1), If i taught little kids you could read this to them before nap time. (1), I would use this book to pass time along. It wasn't one of my favorites but i could definitely use it. (1), I would use this to show how you can always be busy but you can still always work on the task at hand. (1), Great to teach kids about multicultural. (1), I can teach a life lesson from this book. (1), This will be good to read when going over angles in math class. (1), Good book to read to class to have them discuss in each group. (1), This book will be good to read for a read aloud during a non-fiction lesson. (1), Good book to read about forming relationships even if its from long ago. (1), Not everyone is the same a good book to show the great attributes about yourself. (1), Book to read to the class about how white things can change colors when you step in things. It will be a good lesson to teach when teaching about colors. (1), Shows how colors show what kind of mood you are in. Great book to read and show them how colors play a role in your mood. (1), Another great book to use for when teaching adjectives. (1), Great book to show how slow and steady wins the race and to take your time on things. (1), A book to show the true beauty from color that would help kids understand how mixing is not always a bad thing. (1), Great book to read when teaching about adjectives. (1), Good book share book teach how even if you are rich you don't have to be greedy like the emperor is in his book. (1), A book about a cat who has two families. It can be a lesson when teaching about how some kids may have more than one family. (1), Good book to read to the class for a read aloud. (1), Book to show how art can be in everyday life. (1), Great book to read when covering the alphabet. (1), Good book to have the students to wind down from after recess or gym class. (1), Non-Fiction. When talking about monkeys in class this book would give a chance at a deeper look of what they are. (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Nov 5, 2016