
Bürgerlicher Name
Alan Simon
Über meine Bibliothek
A combination of my own books (no ratings from me, of course) along with ones from my favorite authors: Larry McMurtry, Herman Wouk, Daniel Silva, Stephen King, and others. Also some of the greatest "one hit wonders" of all time: Gone with the Wind and To Kill a Mockingbird. Also non-fiction in history and sports.
Über mich
I'm a long-time non-fiction writer who has authored nearly 30 technology, business, and career-oriented books dating back to the mid-1980s. However, my writing passion for more than a decade has been fiction: primarily historical fiction but also other genres. I dabbled with a fair number of ideas for novels as I wrote the proverbial million words of fiction while I also worked on my non-fiction books along with my "day job" as a consulting executive. All of those were eventually shelved (though one remains on my books-to-write list for someday down the road).

Back in the early 2000s, two new historical fiction ideas popped into my head right around the same time, and I began working in earnest on two manuscripts...THE FIRST CHRISTMAS OF THE WAR and UNFINISHED BUSINESS, both of which have been available since 2010. And as I wrote THE FIRST CHRISTMAS OF THE WAR, the idea for three similarly structured sequels in that family saga also surfaced...the first of which, THANKSGIVING, 1942, was just published in November, 2012 on the 70th anniversary of when that story is set.

I also had the idea around the same time for my serialized novel GETTYSBURG, 1913: A NOVEL OF THE GREAT REUNION, which I've been writing off and on for nearly a decade in preparation for the 100th anniversary of that momentous occasion that has been all but forgotten over the years.

Hopefully, the serialized publication of this historical novel in three parts leading up to July 1, 2013 (which will also commemorate the 150th anniversary of the beginning of The Battle of Gettysburg) will bring The Great Reunion back into American well as provide a wonderful reading experience for all!

Also, since I grew up in Pittsburgh (where most of my historical novels to date have been set) I watched the great Roberto Clemente play for the Pittsburgh Pirates when I was younger. I just published a short memoir about Clemente, timed for the upcoming 40th anniversary of when the world lost Roberto on his humanitarian mission following the Nicaragua earthquake in 1972. Anyone who grew up in Pittsburgh in those days, or most any baseball fan, will enjoy CLEMENTE: MEMORIES OF A ONCE-YOUNG FAN - FOUR BIRTHDAYS, THREE WORLD SERIES, TWO HOLIDAY STEELERS GAMES, AND ONE BAR MITZVAH.

Next up during the remainder of 2012 and into early 2013: Parts II and III of GETTYSBURG, 1913: A NOVEL OF THE GREAT REUNION. Then we have THE FIRST CHRISTMAS AFTER THE WAR, the third novel in the "Coleman Family Saga" set during Christmas, 1945, in the works along with a fourth and final volume...and then that four-part saga will be concluded.

After that will come GETTYSBURG, 1938, a sequel to GETTYSBURG, 1913 that takes place at the 75th anniversary of The Battle of Gettysburg on the eve of World War II, with some of the same characters you'll come to know and care about in that first novel. A final novel in that trilogy is also in the works.

There's much more on the drawing board: time and fate will tell which other works are completed and published, but for now I have enough projects on my plate to keep readers engaged and enthralled for years to come!

Visit our alansimonbooks[dot]com website for book "extras" plus more information.
Phoenix, AZ
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