
Apr 9, 2008
Bürgerlicher Name
Roy L. Pickering Jr.
Über meine Bibliothek
Synopsis of PATCHES OF GREY:
Tony Johnson is a studious young man planning to soon graduate from much more than high school. Although his zip code places him in a Bronx tenement, his sights are set far beyond the trappings of his humble upbringing. Collegiate dreams combined with falling in love with a white classmate put him strongly at odds with his father. Although his brother C.J. s rebellious ways place him directly in the path of danger on gang ruled streets, and the virginal innocence of their sister Tanya is clearly approaching its demise, it is Tony who incurs the majority of Lionel Johnson's wrath for the sins of ambition, daring to be with Janet Mitchell, and refusing to bend to his father's will. Seeing unrealized goals reincarnated in the eyes of his eldest son harshly remind Lionel of what once could have been, and of what went wrong. His own childhood in a segregated southern town established a bitter, prejudiced outlook that is the only legacy he has to pass down to his children. When his job and role as primary breadwinner are lost, Lionel's authority quickly erodes and he drowns his disappointment one drink at a time. This affords Tony, who lacks the seemingly servile patience of his mother, an opportunity to assert his right to become the man he wants to be rather than allowing his fate to be set by chance and circumstance. But throughout the course of Roy Pickering's engrossing debut novel, Tony comes to learn that the world is not as black and white as he and his father's opposing mindsets would suggest.


“Feeding the Squirrels” tells the story of a self-absorbed philanderer who lives a life of leisure and usually manages to remain one step ahead of consequences for his actions. He reveals himself to the reader by chronicling his rapid fire sex life woman by woman in this literary novella by award winning author, Roy L. Pickering Jr. The narrator of “Feeding the Squirrels” is Michael, a prolific lover who defines himself by his various sexual conquests. Each chapter in between the first and last is named after a woman who has been seduced by him, and thus helped to shape his identity. Every one of the erotic encounters can be read as a story unto itself, with Michael’s single minded pursuit of pleasure being the common thread that unites them. Although his succession of affairs are singular experiences to a man who rarely thinks of yesterday or tomorrow, they eventually manage to intertwine and leave him with a web of his own design to untangle.

Feeding the Squirrels introduces you to Michael, a ladies man who takes you on a path of his life. With each chapter you get introduced to another woman and another story until the very end when the characters are woven together in an ending you would never expect.

Michael meets a variety of women, from a grandmother, to a lawyer, each one with an interesting background and interaction with the main character. Vivid descriptions and dialogue keep the story flowing in a unique way. And like with every story with love, lust and romance, drama is well included.

Feeding the Squirrels is a well written look at one character's life. The storylines mesh well, and intertwine in a surprising ending. Feeding the Squirrels gives you an intriguing look into the short lived relationships of Michael's life, some having much more lasting impressions and effects on Michael than one could imagine.

- Reviewed by Jennifer Brown


At the center of "Feeding the Squirrels" is Michael, a modern-day Casanova. He plays with women's hearts, minds and bodies without so much as a care or concern. But there's a thin line between lust and hate.

As each chapter describes a different sexual conquest, author Roy Pickering Jr. gives readers more insight into Michael and just how far he's willing to go to get what he wants - carnal pleasure. "If all she wants is a good time, she gets everything. If she wants more, I lie and take what she has to give. Then I move on."

"Feeding the Squirrels" was a very quick and enjoyable read. Pickering created a character that readers won't quickly forget. I like the author's style.

- Reviewed by Taye of OOSA Online Book Club "O.O.S.A."

Über mich
Roy Pickering was born on the idyllic island of St. Thomas and currently lives in a quaint New Jersey town with his wife and daughter. Mr. Pickering's debut novel, Patches of Grey, has been published by M.U.D. House Books and is available to buy at His novella “Feeding the Squirrels” can be purchased in a variety of electronic formats from SynergEbooks. Presently he is hard at work on a second novel as well as a series of children’s book that his wife is illustrating. Roy maintains a website ( to showcase his fiction online along with the blog A Line A Day – - where an excerpt from his novel appears. Archived articles of his Sports Issues column can be found at, and his writing is located at and as well. His short stories have been featured in several anthologies to date, including Proverbs for the People (Kensington Books), Role Call (Third World Press), The Game: Short Stories About the Life (Triple Crown Publications), and Prose to be Read Aloud, Volume One.

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