
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke
Apr 2, 2008
Über meine Bibliothek
Mainly literary fiction - Marquez, Rushdie, Naipaul, Steinbeck, Graham Greene, Indian/Pakistani and far Asian writers. Books I can't live without - The God of Small Things, and Cannery Row by Steinbeck.

I also enjoy light science writing, something on the lines of say Flight of the Iguana or Surely You're Joking Mr. Feynman. I like books that take something esoteric and break it down into simple layman's terms.

Also love, love, love women mystery writers. I say that only because it seems as though men writing mysteries focus on the hows and the wheres. And women mystery writers seem to delve into the deeper question of what it reveals about the human condition.

I tend to rate books on how much enjoyment I got out of them. There could be a day when I'm in a PMS-y mood reading a Bridget Jones' diary type book, and think it's worth a 4 for that particular day. A Steinbeck might appeal to me on my existential crisis day, and garner the same 4. This doesn't mean a Bridget Jones' Diary is equal in any way to a Cannery Row. Rather, they appealed to me in different ways, or maybe they appealed to different me-s. That's all there is to it.

I used to have a policy that if I've started reading a book, I will read to the very end. But considering that lately I've taken to picking up books rather randomly, just judging by their covers, this policy is no longer in effect, on account of some real tripe I managed to pick up.
Über mich
Freelance writer, mom, blogger, immigrant. Still figuring out what I'm gonna do when I grow up, which makes for a very interesting experience, to say the least.
Odenton MD
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