
children-s-ya (652), to-read (545), fantasy-scifi (393), romance (387), realistic (236), contemporary (192), historical (178), adventure (137), paranormal (109), mystery-thriller (100), classics (96), lovely-prose (87), nonfiction (86), europe (78), christian (74), fairy-tales (71), dystopia (70), sweet-romance (62), high-fantasy (60), american (54), urban (53), family (48), british (45), favorites (44), animals (38), light-and-easy-to-jump-into (35), mythology (29), picture-books (26), post-apocalyptic (25), arc-giveaway (24), did-not-finish (22), asian-mc (21), asia (19), politics (19), oh-the-dialogue (19), food (18), biography (17), steampunk (16), travel (16), plays (15), indie (15), psychology (14), literary-fiction (14), memoir (14), favorite-mmc (13), writing (12), holiday (12), canadian (12), victorian (11), foreign (11), eastern-europe (11), short-story (10), nyc (10), favorite-fmc (9), magical-realism (9), gothic (8), cookbook (8), to-buy (8), space (7), french (7), time-travel (7), relationships (6), music (6), race (6), feminism (5), sports (5), graphic-novel (5), medieval (4), greek (4), education (4), poetry (4), science (4), humor (4), australian (4), jewish (3), pirates (3), africa (2), devotions (2), mathematics (2), film-movies (1), to-be-reviewed (1), essay (1), language (1), epic (1), spanish (1), currently-reading (1), fashion (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Feb 11, 2014
Bürgerlicher Name
J. Oh
Über meine Bibliothek
I am especially passionate about children's literature, specifically YA and middle grade, which makes up the lion's share of my library. My absolute favorite, when it's done well, is YA high fantasy, but I also find that a disproportionate number of middle grade contemporary novels become all-time favorites. If I ever venture into adult fiction, it's usually historical or fantasy. In nonfiction, I read mostly Christian books, and the occasional pop science or memoir.
Über mich
I love Jesus!
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