
Über meine Bibliothek
Books, glorious books! I read loads, and a little bit of everything, but I usually only buy the ones I really like.
You'll notice it's mostly books on the cccult and fantasy novels. This does not make me a flake.
Über mich
Just your average girl with a broad range of interests, I suppose. I love reading and learning and liken both to breathing air. Books are a quintessential part of who I am. The fact that I used "quintessential" is a big tip-off...

My goal in life is to amass as many quality (in my opinion, of course) books as I possibly can, and create a beautiful library similar to the one in the Beast's castle in the Disney version of Beauty and the Beast. Wood paneling, floor to ceiling windows with heavy drapes, rich fireplace with settees and wingback chairs... an antique globe and maps showing my travels, the curiosities I have collected along the way... *sigh* One day.

Until then I'm working in downtown Toronto, Canada in the advertising industry, but that's only a small part of who I am.

My favourite book is The Hunter's Moon by O.R. Melling. It's part of the Golden Book of Faerie, and in the final book (Book of Dreams) the author actually incorporated a true story about a real not-too-long-ago ancestor of mine that came to Canada from Ireland and was one of the founding families in their area. If that's not a good reason to love this author, I don't know what is!
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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