
magic (1), fantasy; boy/creature adventure; good v. evil; fairytale: CHAPTER BOOK (1), hanukkah; adventure; dreidels; troll; trickery; family; community (1), farmer; farm animals; typwriter; negotiations; compromise; deceit (1), library; lion; librarians (1), wordless; friendship; mystery (1), dog; boy; friensdhip; storm; games; humor (1), magician; CHAPTER BOOK (1), suspense; coming-of-age; magic; friendships; moral decion-making; summer; CHAPTER BOOK (1), dogs; friendship; adventure; sad ending; CHAPTER BOOK (1), fantasy; friendship; adventure; good v. evil; sacrifice; war; CHAPTER BOOK (1), fantasy; good v. evil; alternate universes; sacrifice; coming-of-age; CHAPTER BOOK (1), christmas; olivia; presents; tree; family; siblings (1), sci-fi; coming-of age; animal/human experimentation; over-population; world destruction; animal freedom; CHAPTER BOOK (1), humor; high school; friendship; first girlfriend; jocks v. wimps!; CHAPTER BOOK (1), libraries; public librarianship; humor; CHAPTER BOOK (1), magic; mystery; adventure; friendship; death; good v. evil; CHAPTER BOOK (1), witches; spooks; apprenticeship; fighting evil; CHAPTER BOOK (1), sci-fi/earth; government control; in-hiding; adventure; CHAPTER BOOK (1), young James Bond; adventure; family; CHAPTER BOOK (1), folklore; horror; STORY COLLECTION (1), american indian; coming-of-age; humor; friendship; family; adventure; loss; hope; CHAPTER BOOK (1), moose; christmas; preparations; surprise ending (1), mother and son; aliens; adventure; suspense (1), film (1), friendship; aloneness; opposites attract; (1), automaton (1), George Miles (1), graphic novel; wordless; immigration; family reunion; alien (1), oppression; Czechoslovakia; Berlin Wall; Eastern Block; Communism; (1), death/dying (subtlty); Haiku; Kobayashi Issa; picture book (1), monsters; humor; poetry; monster movies; Adam Rex (1), travel; father and daughter; lost toy; photography; (1), graphic novel; wordless; black and white; good v. evil; mystery; dogs; magic; (1), action figure; toys; action/adventure; humor; picture (1), witch; widow; prejudice; magic; ghostly; justice (1), trolls; girl; trickery; adventure; stealing (1), holidays; humor; artist; positive attitude; friendship (1), friendship; fantasy; humor; film (1), school humor; friendship; school paper (1), photography/portraits; animals; lonliness; companionship (1), hockey; new jersey; rival team; humor (1), ghost story; folklore; creature; revenge; haunting (1), japanese folklore; artist/boy; journey; v. evil; town savior (1), northwest folklore; magic; trickster; sun (1), folklore; desperation; trickery; child (1), girl; school; adventure; gypsies (1), friendhship; differences; humor (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Nov 17, 2008