
cause and effect (5), sequencing (5), and so much more. Students can get comfortable using the different text features in this book. (4), headings and subheadings (4), index (4), captions (4), realistic pictures (4), fun facts (4), etc. (4), glossary (4), purpose of writing a letter (4), figurative language (4), This is a good book to show text features. Students can see a table of contents (4), problem solving (3), text-to-self connections (3), characters (3), greeting and closing signature (3), persuasive writing (3), illustrations (2), letter writing (2), text-to-text connections (2), imagination (2), life cycles (2), tall tales (2), addressing letters (2), behavior (2), consequences of actions (2), prediction (2), detail information (2), story elements (2), poetry (2), stamps (2), kids could come up with own story (2), replying to letters (2), how to say a lot in a little space (1), how to make a valentine (1), or history to see the meaning and reason behind holidays or traditions. (1), This book is good to use with sequencing or text-to-self connections. (1), inflected ending (1), opening and closing signatures (1), what is a postman (1), -ug word study (1), writing to friends (1), science introduction to insects (1), purpose of writing valentine's cards (1), how to address them and what stamps are (1), what to write (1), comparing fairytales and non-fiction text. (1), comparing to fairytale or non-fiction texts (1), purpose for writing a postcard (1), the first day of school. It could help kids learn about holidays (1), etc. It could prompt students to write about their favorite holiday and how those holiday figures act or what they might do if they were a certain holiday figure. It can also help connect literature to social studies by looking at holidays across cultures (1), This book has a broad range of topics relating to school that could be incorporated. It's full of poetry and all the poems are written in different forms so that would be cool to show students the different forms and structures of stanzas within poetry. (1), shows different ways to use the letters a and h (1), kids could tell their own story or interpretation for the majority of the book. (1), This is a good story to use (1), much like The Invisible Boy. You could talk to differences (1), being friends with people (1), This book can be used to compare different fairytales and fables. It gives a male point of view which is cool and different from traditional fairytales. (1), This book is full of alliteration and figurative language. (1), has good prompts that can be written about such as 'what would you do if you were a cowboy?' etc. (1), parts of speech such as adjectives (1), comparison of sizes (1), non-fiction themes (1), relating poems to scientific facts (1), partner or guided reading (1), discussing leprechauns (1), science topics about spring concepts (1), poetry is the genre (1), This would be cool to use at the beginning of the year and to introduce poetry. Students could read and guess the school supply and get ready for school in a fun (1), engaging way. (1), This book was really funny to me because the dog's name is Hallie Tosis (1), which means bad breath (1), and she has bad breath. So I would use this as a fun way to introduce a unit on hygiene and introduce some vocabulary to them. (1), could incorporate writing prompts about cats or other pets (1), This book is cool because it is written from the point of view of dogs and each poem is written about different events in the year such as holidays (1), events throughout the year (1), prompts from their pet's perspective (1), This book has hundreds of examples of poetry across multiple topics. It can be used to introduce poetry and also prompt students to write their own poetry. Students would also be able to see examples of different styles of poetry. (1), This book is good to use for discussing St. Patrick's Day and what the holiday means (1), how is mail delivered (1), provides great examples and how to use each of them (1), text-toworld connections (1), talking about cause and effect and consequences (1), biography piece that talks about a famous African-American author (1), great to discuss his life and paintings (1), can discuss why he wanted to put red in each of his paintings (1), can discuss overcoming struggles (1), This book is interesting because it shows kids how to mix and combine the values and traditions of different cultures to become more diverse and well-rounded in terms of culture. This would be a really great book to use even with younger children to show (1), This book illustrates that names and different aspects of culture make each of us unique and that those things should be acknowledged and celebrated rather that 'changed' to conform to others. (1), This is a lot like The Name Jar because it also helps students realize that the different and unique aspects of their culture are things that are awesome and make the classroom interesting and should be celebrated rather than conformed to American society (1), which is ironically made up of all different cultures. (1), can use this around Easter time (1), good to use for sequencing (1), This book is good to use when teaching CVC words and rhyming CVC words. It's also good to have students make text-to-self connections because they can easily relate to feeling left out or leaving a friend out and they can sympathize with the characters an (1), intertwines english and spanish in a way that everyone can still understand what is being said (1), I adore this book. It's full of poems that are factual and creative and funny and serious. Everything of course relates to dinosaurs and so students are able to hear more dinosaur facts. They can also see the different styles of poems and lengths of poems (1), and genres as well. (1), This book is great for many different things. Kids will hear the story of the three little pigs but it also intertwines other fairytales such as Mary and her little lamb (1), and a few others. There is a lot of counting (1), as the characters have to count to 100. The book also includes different 3-D shapes that students learn. It is really dynamic and a perfect book to use for a kinder or 1st grade classroom. (1), This book is super engaging and very informative. I would use this book primarily to introduce different text features and get students comfortable with using them. (1), This book is great to build vocabulary and to have students make text-to-self connections.They can also predict what might happen in the story using picture walks. (1), Students can create their own story and story elements. This book can introduce fossils and get students curious and engaged in a science lesson. Students can also look at the illustrations and discuss how the illustrator conveyed what he wanted the reade (1), This is great for a poetry unit. Students can see different forms and styles of poems (1), along with genres. The poems can also be read backwards which is fun and engaging for students to see. (1), offers diversity (1), tells about different types of books and why reading is important (1), word connotation (1), illustration discussions (1), communication with your parents (1), good intro to the first day of school (1), can use with ELL students (1), stories from a different perspective (1), comparing and contrasting to the original story (1), This book is great for teaching vocabulary and what can happen when you misunderstand or don't know what words mean. It also uses a really cool idea for a vocabulary parade which would get kids excited about words and would help to expand their reading an (1), compare and contrast to The True Story of the Three Little Pigs (1), hard work reaps more benefits (1), teaches students antonyms (1), synonyms and homonyms (1), good luck and bad luck (1), has english and spanish on each page (1), great to use for writing prompts and critical thinking skills (1), life cycles of caterpillar to butterfly (1), good introduction to a science lesson on animal life cycles (1), different experience from other animals (1), letting kids guess or work out the number of grains of rice that the character would have after each day (1), gives kids a perspective of how much rice she was getting (1), This is a good book to use with a nonfiction piece because it is based on an actual story. You can also talk about the illustrations and how the colors brighten when Owen finds a new home and mother (1), compared to the darker colors when he is lost and on his own. This book would also be cool to use in an author study on Marion Dane Bauer. (1), This is a great book to use with older students to talk about the effects of war on not just humans (1), but animals as well. You could use it in a text set maybe about WWII as a nonfiction piece of literature. (1), has both english and spanish words and the pronunciation for children to practice spanish (1), evaluate setting (1), growing up (1), Wordless so kids could come up with their own story. (1), Humpty Dumpty (1), inferences (1), nouns (1), shared reading (1), volunteer work (1), post offices (1), sight words (1), Pinocchio (1), perspective (1), word patterns (1), almost wordless (1), parental roles (1), continents (1), helping friends (1), expository text (1), math equations (1), asking for help (1), CVC words (1), being kind to others (1), summer safety (1), poetry lessons (1), humor in writing (1), counting sheep (1), building words (1), parts of speech (1), parades (1), teaches manners (1), onomatopoeia (1), symbolism (1), irony (1), letters (1), responsibility (1), imagery (1), voice (1), names (1), critical thinking (1), tone (1), consequences (1), folk tale (1), telling time (1), patterns (1), adventurous (1), idioms (1), coping with loss (1), mood (1), journaling (1), comparison (1), postcards (1), verbs (1), inferencing (1), contrast (1), swimming safety (1), inflected endings (1), how they evolved from carrying freight to carrying passengers. This would be a great book for science or a unit on trains. (1), bullying (1), This reminds me more of a social story that you could use when talking about hygiene or even if you're teaching directions and listening to your teachers and parents or friends. (1), This can be used to teach colors and even a little inferencing. (1), how/when to say please (1), This book is awesome! You could use it to teach differences (1), culture and heritage. You could also use it to prompt students to write about what they would take with them if they were going to a new place and only had a small suitcase. (1), promotes differences and encourages thinking for yourself and coming up with your own ideas (1), could use for a writing prompt as well (1), This could teach students about baby farm animals. (1), This book shows the importance of being kind to and helping others. Students could write about a time someone helped them or they helped someone and how they felt afterwards. (1), This book teaches about the different train cars and what types of materials trains can carry. (1), where the story takes place. You could teach setting and characters (1), This book encourages problem solving and shows students that problems help them to learn and grow. (1), and inferencing. (1), Could prompt writing about what students wish for or something they've wished for before and if the wish came true or not (1), This could be used in a unit about inventors. You could talk about having ideas and that sometimes an idea doesn't seem so great but it can be to others. You could also teach to the idea of never giving up with this book (1), since she didn't give up she ended up with a ton of magnificent things. (1), OH MY WORD! Growing up (1), Winnie-the-Pooh was my absolute favorite book series and I had no idea that it was all based on a true story until I stumbled upon this gem. I would so use this to show how some books are inspired by true events. You could also use this to talk about the (1), This is a good book to use while teaching biographies because even though it's fiction (1), it tells the story of a woman and her journey to make California beautiful and has a short bio of her in the back. You could also teach landscapes and about trees and plants and gardening. (1), This is another cool book that is biography based. I think this would be a good one to use for younger kids because you could show the toy and read the book and then encourage them to write about an invention or idea they might have. (1), This book teaches all about trains; how the railroad came about (1), how they were used and are used now (1), This book encourages wonder and can be used to prompt a multitude of writing topics. (1), This is also a fun book to teach voice and tone in writing or literary texts. (1), more specifically (1), This would be good to use to help with teaching counting to 100. (1), the grass isn't always greener on the other side (1), This would be an awesome book to start out the school year and tell students nobody will be invisible and allow them to come up with ways to deal with this type of situation if it should occur. They could also use it to write about what they would do if t (1), AWESOME read! Great to discuss tone (1), and open ended questions. (1), This is a good book to introduce journaling or talk about the writing process in general. You could talk about generating ideas (1), and pre-writing strategies. (1), This is an awesome book to encourage students during pre-writing and generating ideas for writing. It can help them see how ideas develop and grow and that it's okay to have ideas that are different or seem weird to other people. (1), Great to intro the writing process/story creation. (1), Shows voice and the different types of voice that students can use within their writing. (1), This would be a great book to use to talk about differences/segregation/friendship. Could also use to examine the use of color and tone of the book. (1), This would be great to use to introduce the writing process- you could have students write their own stories or draw them. You could also talk about consequences of actions. (1), shows how to read a book or story (1), You could use this book to talk about bullying and how to prevent it or what to do if a student is being bullied. (1), encourage reading/makes it fun and engaging (1), This would be awesome to use when talking about idioms. (1), This is a fun story that could be used to discuss inferencing (1), how to act for a substitute teacher (1), or even story elements or cause and effect. (1), This would be good to use for higher level vocabulary (1), prediction and inferences. (1), great for giving different ideas to students for writing (1), encouraging students to come up with their own ideas (1), This would be great to show the importance of teamwork and how everyone has different strengths and working together to combine strengths is better for everyone involved. (1), This book could be used to teach months of the year. (1), You can teach about ducklings or Boston (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Jan 19, 2017