Bürgerlicher Name
Über meine Bibliothek
Small, yes. But I prefer quality over quantity.

When I go off to college next year, the library is likely to be compromised, if not split up between home and school. Oh well.
Über mich
I enjoy reading (if you couldn't guess) as well as writing, acting, skiing, and playing baseball. I'm a humanist atheist freethinking Unitarian Universalist. Politicly, I'm a liberal with social-libertarian tendencies. I'm a devout Red Sox fan. Japanese food makes me happy in my kimono, if you know what I mean. I undergo random bursts of uber-spazzy-a.d.d.-ness like woah - it happens spontaneously throughout the day, which then causes me to sing about pie, among other things. I'm trusting and non-confrontational way too much for my own good, and I tend to be categorized as 'the nice guy' - basically, in a nutshell, what I'm trying to say is: I cried during bambi. Yeah, I think that explains things. If that doesn't convince you that I'm a reliable source of book-knowledge, I don't know what will.

A picture is coming. Until then, enjoy the beautiful face of literature's greatest.