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(1), My Hard Copy (1), Judith A (1), Judith Library No 3 (1), Audio Library Judith No.2 (1), Library #5 (1), Audio Library Judith (1), Library 5Cds (1), Judith CDs Library (1), Audible freeby (1), Audible free (1), Library MP3 So bad I deleted it from audiobooks (1), Library 5 discs (1), Sheila hard copy (1), CD Home Audio (1), Noosa Mantra (1), Audio Library Judith No.1 (1), library (1), Free from Audible (1), library audible (1), not purchased yet (1), audible not (1), not ordered yet (1), not yet ordered (1), Freebie Audible (1), Too many characters for an audible. (1), From Sheila (1), Library MP3 listened again on iphone (1), Library MP3 Listened again on iPhone (1), CDs Library now on iphone (1), Library CDs Now on iphone. Last track missing. Finished with e book. Changed to 4 stars on second reading in 2023. (1), Book from Roz Lambert (1), Text book from street library (1), He wrote Lethal Defence. 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(1), Novel from Hil’s Rosebud House (1), Audible freebie given 3 but 4 on Library Thing (1), hard Copy (1), Bloody gothic and ghosts (1), Elizabeth's Book (1), Lynne's Book (1), margaret Richardson (1), Borrowed from Tathra Beach Resort (1), (1), plus (1), Purchased from The Book Cow (1), Lynne Kowalik (1), Sandra Favre (1), Freee audible novella (1), Audible well read but ridiculous story (1), not ordered yet freebie (1), nt read yet (1), not read yet (1), free y not read yet (1), freebie podcast (1), great writing and presentation but story was pathetic (1), plus catalogue (1), audible. com Aug 2022 (1), freebie (1), Freebie (1), Free audible (1), Not ordered yet freebie (1), Col's download (1), Audio Library given 4 (1), On Audio Book (1), Audio Cassette mp3?? 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Colin's list (1), Read book in Noosa (1), Audio library teens (1), Given 4 stars no.10 disc missing (1), Audible given 4 stars (1), mp3 Col gives 5 stars (1), Audio from Audible Given 3 (1), 1 & 1/2 stars from me (1), Audio LT gives 5 stars (1), Audio Sth Africa mystery 4/5 stars (1), Audible from bittorrent (1), Audio Book given 4 stars (1), Audio BBC (1), Audio in 2 parts given 4 stars (1), Audio library Australian (1), Audio Library Given 4 stars (1), 4 stars Audio (1), Audio library given 3 1/2 (1), Audio Library given 3 (1), Audio library Given 3 (1), Audio library Given 3 1/2 - 4 (1), Audio Library Given 3 1/2 (1), Audio from Library Given 3 1/2 (1), Audio given 4 stars teenage (1), Book Audio????? (1), Audio library given 3 (1), Audio library given 3 & 1/2 (1), Audio Given 4 (1), Audible freebie they took away so 1 star for all (1)
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- Apr 28, 2008
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