Bücher-Reihen für eldritch00

Reihen, zu denen die Bücher in der Bibliothek von eldritch00 gehören

Zusammenfassung: 34 Reihen

Alabaster [Kiernan]

The Anubis Gates

Bernard Samson

Blue Ant

Blue Rose

The Book of the New Sun

Borderlands [Anthologies]

The Crow

The Crow Novels

The Culture

The Dark Descent

Earthworm Gods

The Fisher King trilogy

Foundations of Fear

Game, Set, Match trilogy

George Smiley

Honor Harrington Universe

Karla Trilogy

The Kefahuchi Tract

The Laundry

LeHorn's Hollow

The Nightmare Factory

October Dreams

Revelation Space

Ricky and G-Man

The Rising {Keene}


Shudder Anthologies


Solar Cycle


Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos

Threshold - Kiernan
