software that handles LGBT and other relationships?


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software that handles LGBT and other relationships?

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Bearbeitet: Feb. 6, 2012, 12:22 pm

Hey -- I'm looking for software that handles same-sex parents, in particular, and also more generally the ability to define different kinds of relationships -- i.e., it would be very helpful for us to track some close family friends who were not legally or by blood related; define blood parents as well as adoptive parents, and so forth.

-- lquilter

Feb. 16, 2011, 10:17 pm

I knew I'd seen a blog post that discussed this but it had been awhile; however, a Google search yielded an old Dick Eastman blog post with comments where you can find helpful answers to your questions (which was a question he posed on behalf of a reader).

Mrz. 14, 2011, 6:37 pm

Reunion, a program for the Mac, handles same-sex parents and allows children to be duplicated under two sets of parents. I'm not sure how you would handle unrelated persons. I do it by using a separate family file, but there may be other ways to do it.