Looking for a funny book? I know I always am.

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Looking for a funny book? I know I always am.

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Mrz. 7, 2013, 5:37 pm

Dieser Beitrag hat von mehreren Benutzern eine Missbrauchskennzeichnung erhalten und wird nicht mehr angezeigt. (anzeigen)
Hi, I have always loved a funny book, ever since I laughed out loud in class while reading about Ramona Quimby's adventures in grade school, or Helen Cresswell's amazing Bathorpe Saga (starting with Ordinary Jack)- sort of an English precursor to The Royal Tenanbaums. One of my top five favorite books of all time was: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. I have written eight novels, and although I often have amusing moments in my fantasy/horror stories, I managed (I believe) to capture lightning in a bottle and sustain a humorous tone throughout my novel: Hairy Bromance, by T. L. Barrett. If you have a funny bone in your body, I think you will love this satire which does for monsters in modern day America what Hitchhiker's did for Sci-Fi. Check it out, you won't be sorry.

What funny books or authors have you read and you would recommend?

Mrz. 7, 2013, 6:03 pm

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