Helping out an Australian LTer through BM


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Helping out an Australian LTer through BM

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Dez. 15, 2013, 6:42 pm

Bushfires and LibraryThing

Some of you might have seen this post in the Talk LT group, but to summarize, this LTer lost his entire library when his house burned down in a bushfire a couple of months back. Some other users have rallied for him and are sending him copies of the books he lost. Some users are sending their books to LT headquarters, and the staff are organising to pack the books up and post them to him from the US. Because I'm in Australia, I sent a replacement book to him directly. I also thought I might be able to find some of the books he lost through BookMooch.

Just wondering if any moochers here could take a look at his library and possibly help out if they have these books on BM? I know with postage it could potentially be expensive to send from overseas, but I thought I'd post here in case anyone could give something and also in case any Australian moochers could help out. The original post linked above has a spreadsheet listing what people have already sent.

Cheers and season's greetings. :)